Are you in INTEGRITY with yourself?
That’s what the world is really asking when they see if you measure up as a LEADER WORTH FOLLOWING.
The better relationship you have with yourself, the better you’re able to serve others and make a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE on the planet.
You can’t be in integrity with yourself unless you’re able to fully access how you really feel and think about things. This requires your whole self. Body, intellect, and feelings... and a willingness to do some hard inner work.
See, most people SIDESTEP the things they don’t want to deal with in their life.
They do it all day long. Sometimes in small ways. Sometimes in more obvious ways.
They have hidden places …
dark corners …
…where they’d rather not look. It might be something that feels shameful, embarrassing, or scary.
The actions that keep you from being in integrity and having a good relationship to yourself can look like no big deal, like saying ‘yes’ to something when you really want to say ‘no’.
Those moments when it's just easier to "go along to get along".
It becomes a slippery slope.
If you keep doing it, over time, the consequences are COSTLY. Costly to your sense of self, and also to the relationship because you aren't being honest.
You can stack up all of the wins and get external validation yet the person in the mirror will still be staring back at you.
You can’t really hide from yourself and feel good about yourself for long. And, who wants to follow a leader who doesn't even want to be with themselves?
I was an emotional stuffer for years, and to hold it all in, I wore a tough exterior like armor.
It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that your emotions reveal a lot and can give you clues about how and where you're off-track.
When you feel your feelings, you learn a great deal. You get a guidance that isn't just based on external situations or "shoulds."
You see from a more whole, balanced, and informed perspective. When you choose to LISTEN amidst the noise of the world, you can see what just may be getting in the way.
Only if you’re willing to…
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to be willing to sit with yourself and feel. Practice. Set a timer for even 1 minute three times a day.
What do you hear?
How can this inform the decisions you make today?
Practice every day. Notice the results internally and externally.