Creating a life you want sounds like it should be EASY …
… yet most people get caught up with the busyness of life and fail to identify what they really want.
Studies show the number of people who live a life they truly want is actually very small.
See, most people fill-in-the-blanks with what they believe they can have.
To live the kind of life where you get what you truly seek down to your core, you’ve got to 100% understand what you want and why.
Instead, most people have a “dream life” list that's about having lots of stuff – and not what they want at a Soul level.
When you have CLARITY at a cellular level,
~> you don’t get distracted by bright shiny objects.
~> You make choices around what matters most at all times.
~> You focus on the journey vs. the final destination, and
~> you enjoy what you’re doing every moment of every day, amidst the challenges.
There are no “failures” ...
… just opportunities to learn how to do something differently.
Humans are hard-wired to learn and improve.
If we weren’t, we never would have left the cave, invented the wheel, explored new lands, or traveled to outer space.
In order to get this level of clarity, your life has to have SPACIOUSNESS.
If you’re hustling right now, it may seem crazy to be told to take your foot off the gas.
Yet, I promise the earth will still spin – and the people around you will still function.
Giving yourself the gift of time away will leave you rejuvenated and make you a better friend, parent, spouse, employee, leader, and overall human.
And when you’re away, you can have the bandwidth to identify and write down what you want with deeper clarity.
That’s what time on the farm has given me.
For most of my life, I’ve made taking time off a priority – because I've chosen to make myself a priority in my life.
And being on the farm has given me a whole new level of what matters most.
Take the time. Be clear about who you are, what you want, and why it matters. It's a great investment.
It’s the only way to get to a life you really love.
One you a Soul level.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to:
1) make the decision to invest in yourself.
2) clear some space in your calendar.
3) use that space wisely... to allow room to breathe.
Room for replenishment. Room for insights.
Go shine your light.