Have you ever looked at your calendar on Monday morning and thought, “How am I ever going to get it all done this week?!?”
You feel a wave of overwhelm wash over you and you haven’t even started your day.
If your days are overfull with appointments and you never schedule what’s most important, you’ll spend most of your days and nights feeling like you’re trying to cram a 30 lb. package in a 23-lb. box.
And, you’re not alone.
I start every day with time for myself – and I did this even before Jim retired and I dropped him off at the bus stop at 5:30 am for work.
My quiet time enables me to physically, emotionally and spiritually prepare for the day ahead.
While I don’t have a consistent morning practice, I do have practices that include reflection, prayer, stretching (bedroom yoga), and quieting my thoughts.
This allows me to be fully present to the day before answering emails or hopping on social media.
I also have themes for each day of the week.
How to Invest - Upside Thinking
Monday’s are strategy days where I spend time planning, writing, and evaluating where the business is headed.
Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s are appointment days focused on deepening connections with my clients, colleagues, and friends.
And, Friday is all about wrapping up the week in a way that feels good to me.
Sometimes I work long hours – and other weeks, I keep it light and add a dose of unstructured activities.
In my private client Facebook group, Feel-Good Friday’s are all about celebrating your accomplishments so I do a bit of that as I review the past week.
During each day, I time block and create spaciousness throughout the day so there is room for the unexpected to be handled without leaving me overwhelmed or burdened.
At Design Your Destiny Live, I speak about my 7 Pillars of Leadership.
Pillar #4 is: Live Your Priority.
You get 24 hours a day and so do I.
What you do with your time will determine your level of happiness, success and meaning – and your quality of life.
It will also determine whether you’re a leader worth following.
Your income, your relationships, and your emotional well-being are created by the choices you make minute-by-minute each day.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
Lead Upside.
The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine your priority. Where are you feeling overwhelmed and what can you do to create more spaciousness in your life?
People follow the person first, then their great plan.
Be a leader worth following.
The world needs you and your brilliance.