You are a special person that has been placed in my life for a reason. And I am grateful and I am thankful for the gift of you.
You are a special part of my Upside family, a community of Upside Thinkers destined to change the world through courageous, vulnerable leadership. I am Thankful - Upside Thinking
Thank you for letting me into your life and reading my weekly messages.
Our path may have crossed for dozens of reasons, and yet the road we travel together is the same.
This message is different than my regular weekly Upside Thought sentiment as I get nostalgic this time of year, reflecting on my life and the pathways I’ve traveled.
In the book, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” there is an excerpt, “You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.”
Well, I’ve had a pretty interesting journey – and if a social scientist would have made bets on my life, I’m pretty sure he/she would have calculated incredibly less for me.
I’ve asked myself in quiet examination, “How has all that I have accomplished been possible?”.
The answer is simple.
The generosity of others.
It’s been people like you that have led me to where I am today.
I encourage you to examine the relationships in your own life and the impact they have had on you.
Today is the perfect day to express how you feel with a brief phone call or note.
As for me, I am sharing in this forum and in quiet reflection.
Nothing happens by chance.
You are a special person that has been placed in my life for a reason.
And, I am grateful for the gift of you.
So, Help more, Judge less – and Love BIG….today and always.