Let’s talk blessings & challenges – I’m trusting that whatever challenges have come up for you this year, you recognize the blessings within them.
2017 has been a year of immense growth in my business as I’ve stepped into bigger opportunities and expanded my reach.
I have witnessed clients transform their lives and businesses in front of my very eyes.
And, I have traveled to some incredible cities speaking about leadership, vulnerability, and connection that have led to new partnerships and doors opening to new contracts.
Blessings & Challenges
Over the past year, I’ve also experienced immense heartache and countless challenges in my personal and professional life.
In the dark nights of my soul, I’ve chosen to step into radical forgiveness and immense love and mercy.
I felt you with me on this journey over the past 6 months where I shed countless tears and held deep grief in my heart.
Yes, you can both be in the fire – and be moving forward in your big mission and calling.
For me, every time I thought that the journey would get easier, something happened.
Something that would rock me to my core and challenge my beliefs and reality.
There were days when I felt abandoned and alone – and yet, at that perfect time, I would get a call from a client or a friend telling me how grateful they were to have me in their life.
Or, a card would show up in my mailbox expressing love for my coaching and mentorship.
Or, I would get flowers from a friend.
And, of course, there was my husband, always willing to wipe away my tears and tell me that it was going to be okay.
I’ve grown because of my struggles – and have never chosen to be defined by my circumstances or what I face.
Who I am doesn’t change or fall apart with the strain of situations in my life, or my own failures, or imperfections.
I recognize that I have a big mission and calling and a responsibility to live it out, being a leader worth following – or the world will miss out.
The same is true for you, too.
And, perhaps you have had a rough year as well.
One where your big vision was challenged by setbacks and heartaches.
Perhaps early in 2017 you made the conscious decision that this is your time to shine – and were faced with your own challenges that made you doubt whether your vision was worth all of the work you were doing.
Perhaps you experienced a desire to give up and take the safe route.
I get it.
Yet, comfort doesn’t change the world.
I’m certainly not out to make myself or anyone else be comfortable.
I’m determined to not ever let darkness win and to have greater empathy for what can happen as you create a bigger vision when you live in a broken world.
Many people believe that my life is picture perfect.
I can’t even say that I wish this was true for I have learned far more from my failures and heartaches than I ever have from my successes.
It is my desire to meet people where they are, in the difficulties and real places – and be willing to walk the fire with them.
Because I believe that everything is happening for my greatest good, I believe that everything is happening for me, not to me.
Being a leader worth following doesn’t mean you always get it right, or that you have an easy road to travel, it means that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to live the life you’re called to live.
After all, you are the only one with your special life.
You are the only one with your gifts, abilities, talents, and experiences or expertise.
You are the only person would will ever walk on this planet who can do what you’re uniquely called to do.
Yes, you have a big mission and calling.
And, I’m trusting that whatever challenges that have come up for you this year that you recognize you have someone in your corner – someone who believes in you and your purpose and calling.
I’m also trusting that you recognize the blessings within your own challenges because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Action Item: Blessings & Challenges
The Upside Challenge of the week is to make a list of the 5 challenges you have faced this year – and the lessons they each brought into your life.
People follow the person first, not their great plan – and for a reason.
You are hard-wired to succeed.
Yet, comfort doesn’t change the world.
Vulnerability changes everything.
See Upside. Be Upside. Lead Upside.
…..because the world needs you and your brilliance!