Being you has an advantage and it’s always what is best. You have the right to claim who you are! Let me tell you about the benefit of authenticity.
On a recent group coaching call, one of my clients made a powerful statement that had me pause and take notice.
She said, “I’m claiming my right to be me.” Benefit of Authenticity - Lisa Marie Platske
As someone who is fascinated with language and the meaning behind each word, I found this to be an incredibly strong, yet moving choice of words.
After our call, I thought about why this message was one that made me sit up a bit straighter in my chair.
When I was doing research on leadership 10 years ago, I put together themes that later formed my 7 Pillars of Leadership™.
I expected to find certain elements that were spoken about in countless leadership books throughout the years.
What I found through these dialogues was a bit more humanity and realness about what it takes to be a successful leader, one that is worth following on character and merit.
It was difficult for me to capture their essence in a few words like “risk taker” or “out-of-the-box thinker” so I chose to encapsulate my findings in 7 Pillars of Leadership™.
These 7 Pillars are what I speak about at length at my annual Design Your Destiny Live event — and they serve as the foundation when I go into organizations or coach private individuals.
The one that surprised me the most was the second pillar — Personality.
Understand your personality.
The more I examined this pillar, the more I found evidence that only a small percentage of people really know who they are – and are willing to claim it.
Yet, most people are told, “Be yourself.” — and have no clue what that means.
This was one of the reasons I set out on a quest to learn about positioning and how it works.
It’s also why the foundation of my business is that you can have anything you want without having to change who you are.
You probably grew up with hearing messages that said that you should work hard to be better.
Better than what?
Better than.
This “better than” message is one I bought into for years as I kept striving to get better at my work and life.
On the outside, it looks like this premise served me well.
But, on the inside, it always made me feel “less than”.
Better than is temporary and fleeting.
American writer Max Ehrman shares in his “Desiderata” poem, “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.”
In business, there will always be others who have a more distinguished degree, at a more prestigious university, who are well-accomplished, offering what you do at a lower price or with more bells and whistles.
So, what am I saying?
That you need to be the best, not just better?
Well, not exactly.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the best if you’re not authentically you.
You’ll end up exhausted and frustrated as if a piece of you is dying inside every time you do your work.
Being you has an advantage and it’s always what is best.
Your personality and its unique combination can’t be duplicated or matched.
When you don’t have to prove, protect, or change who you are – and you get to use your talents and genius fully, you attract the attention you need to succeed for all of the right reasons.
Plus, it takes less energy and time to be who you were created to be in the first place.
Look, this doesn’t mean that everyone will appreciate who you are or your natural gifts, talents, and abilities.
But, the right people will.
Your people.
Every year, I get loving mail, and hate mail in my inbox as well as glowing feedback and not-so-complimentary feedback at my events.
There are people who love and appreciate who I am, and others who think I’m a charlatan.
As long as I know I’ve been fully and completely me, didn’t intentionally cause harm to anyone (my heart virtues are mercy, justice, and protection), apologize for whatever I may have done and forgive and release those that have harmed me, I sleep well at night, knowing that not everyone is “my people”.
You have the right to claim who you are.
Just know that not everyone will like it, or be comfortable with it.
But, not everyone will be “your people” either.
That’s not your BIG mission in the world — to make others like you or approve of you.
Comfort doesn’t change the world. Vulnerability….changes everything.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Not a watered-down version of you or one that will make everyone happy.
Realize who you are and who you’re not.
And, give yourself permission to claim the right to be you.
Action Item: Benefit of Authenticity - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to think about an area of your personality you’ve been hiding. What are you afraid of shining light on for fear of upsetting, disappointing, or disrupting others view of who you are? Choose one action to step into this facet of your personality.
Comfort doesn’t change the world. Vulnerability…. changes everything.
The world needs you and your brilliance.