Comfort doesn’t change the world. What steps do you need to take to out of your comfort zone and into your Un-Comfort Zone?
At the end of summer, I start to think about where I am in my business — and where I want to be for the following year.
I want to set goals that inspire me to do more — and be more.
Setting conservative goals makes you less productive as you get less creative and less inspired by what you’re moving towards.
When I first opened my business, I would create goals that were easily achievable and didn’t take much energy or effort to reach.
My expectations were low — and my results were minimal.
While this sounds like it would be an effective strategy to build confidence because you always meet or exceed your goals, you’re never challenged enough to see what you’re really capable of creating.
You sit in the comfort zone, aware of how you’re going to reach your next goal and the one after, and the one after that.
It may sound as if this would be a good thing (and many people believe this will lead to greater productivity), yet, the truth is that wading in the comfort zone undermines productivity because when you’re not challenged, you’re not inspired.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you create goals that are unattainable. That’s just crazy-making and equally as damaging.
If you’re looking for optimal operational productivity, you’ll choose to jump smack dab in the middle of the Un-Comfort Zone.
Comfort Zone - Upside Thinking Inc.
When you’re here, you’ll find that you experience heightened creativity and are challenged to create new solutions by looking at your work differently.
In this zone, you are inspired.
Several weeks ago, I met with my team for an Upside Thinking/Design Your Destiny Live annual retreat.
My team has the best perspective on where to grow as they understand the heartbeat of the organization and where they are as individuals in desiring to be excited and pulled by new possibilities.
After getting their perspective, it sparked new ideas for me and I’ve been goal-setting and vision casting ever since.
Now, I’m circling back to ensure that we’re all on the same page as it’s important for me to understand what it will mean for us to get to the destination and reach the goal for them individually as well as the organization.
Because I have a BIG vision and I can’t carry it out myself, it’s important that everyone in my organization is fully aligned with where I want to go.
The biggest piece I’m working on right now is to figure out how I’m going to track our progress other than financially.
When you’re in the Un-Comfort Zone, it’s easy to feel as if you’ll never get there.
If you spend too much time focusing on that, you may become de-motivated.
I’d rather focus on the small wins and recognize that I’m bound to accomplish more by taking this route than hanging out in my comfort zone – and I invite you to do the same.
Celebrate every small action to get in the habit of being uncomfortable.
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Action Item: Comfort Zone - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to step out of your comfort zone and into your Un-Comfort Zone. That’s where the magic lies!
Smaller goals cheat you and the people you work with out of giving their best.
When you create goals in the Un-Comfort Zone, you can achieve things that will amaze you.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Comfort doesn’t change the world. Vulnerability….changes everything.