Have you ever had feelings of unworthiness? It is okay. Know that you have the power to let go of those feelings and shine your light bright.
Recently, my Mom has been going through the house in an effort to downsize and clear the clutter.
As she’s been saying goodbye to items that she no longer uses and letting go of clothing that she doesn’t wear, she’s also been purging letters and notes that my sister and I wrote to her over the past 40+ years.
She shared that re-reading the letters I wrote to her in college was distressing – and she only got through a few — as she can hear the pain in my voice and my deep feelings of unworthiness.
When my Mom brought them to my house, even I couldn’t read them all as it took me back to that time and place where I struggled to shine my light brightly.
If you look up the definition of the word “unworthy” in the dictionary, you’ll find:
From the outside, I’d always seemed like a happy young adult, yet when I took pen to paper my true inner struggle came out.
The internal struggles I encountered inside the corners of mind felt real and I was unsure how to deal with them.
I wanted so much to be like the other kids who seemed to have “normal” days, experiences and lives.
Have you ever had feelings of unworthiness?
When you’re carrying these feelings around, it can seem like a heavy burden to bear, especially when you know you have a big mission, purpose, and calling in life.
The shadow of self-doubt feels suffocating and you wonder if there is something wrong with you.
You ask the question, “Why does everybody look so happy when I’m struggling so much?”
This may just be an illusion.
Shadows do that. Your Light - Upside Thinking
When I was a kid, I loved playing outside.
Even when I could stay inside to play my Atari (I may be dating myself by writing this….) with my sister, we would use our imagination and play hide and seek in the neighborhood.
I loved to ride my Big Wheel down the “big” hill at the end of the block.
When I was playing, I would sometimes try to catch my shadow.
I could only see the shadow when I wasn’t looking at the sun.
Shadows are only created when light is blocked.
They cover up light so you can’t see the truth.
When I feel as if I’m not enough, I realize I’m standing in the shadow of self-doubt – that of my inner critic — and all I have to do is look to the light that shines brightly in my heart.
As Glinda, the Good Witch told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “You had the power all along, my dear.”
Action Item: Your Light - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify where in your life there may be a shadow dimming your light. What one action will you take to be seen and heard for your brilliance?
Big opportunities are waiting for you.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Comfort doesn’t change the world.
Vulnerability….changes everything.