Every so often, I get into a comparing mode. Every leader struggles with thoughts that try to keep them safe and small. Let’s get you out of this mode.
Every so often, I get into a comparing mode.
It comes on without any warning and BAM! I’m sitting at my desk having to deal with all sorts of thoughts of “Will I ever be good enough to…….”
And, the list goes on and on.
These are real thoughts that swim around in my head every other Thursday or more often.
And, they always show up with a snarky voice and a little bit of attitude.
Every leader has moments of doubt, fear, rejection, insecurity, self-doubt, and worry.
Every leader wonders whether they have what it takes to be wildly successful.Comparing Mode - Upside Thinking
Every leader struggles with thoughts that try to keep them safe and small.
These are normal emotions that have nothing to do with your talents, gifts, and abilities.
Every master was once a disaster.
The difference is being willing to ride the emotional rollercoaster without shame or blame.
Yes, sometimes I am a hot mess.
And, sometimes I’m just hot. (wink…wink…)
Being a great leader is about not letting the disappointments change how you live out your big mission and calling.
If you let the setbacks and frustrations keep you from trying, the world will miss out.
And, everyone in the game of life and leadership has to prove themselves worthy to be a leader worth following.
Usually, it starts with who you believe you are.
Out of the Comparing Mode
I know that my comparing mode is all about keeping me safe.
My inner critic wants to protect me and not have me fail and get hurt.
……And, I’ve had to befriend her so she doesn’t stop me from doing what I’m called to do.
So, how do you befriend your inner critic and keep growing as a leader?
One of the best ways to do this is to build a network of amazing connections or be part of a community.
I love that the women in my “Realize Your Destiny” and “Seize Your Spotlight” programs lean on each other for support, guidance, and encouragement.
Having someone to cheer on your brilliance when you’re stuck in the muck is incredibly valuable.
Whenever I’m struggling to get myself out of my head, I pick up the phone and call a friend.
Sometimes I don’t even have to say a word because they hear it in my voice.
“She was talking to you again…..”
“Did you tell her to be quiet – that you’ve got this.”
Or, I go outside and sit and listen to my birds.
Just being in nature helps me to remember who I am so I can get out of my head and back into my heart.
And, finally, sometimes it’s just about showing up and providing value for others.
When you’re giving to others, it’s difficult to be in comparing mode.
Action Item: Comparing Mode - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to be an encourager for someone.
The world needs you and your brilliance.