I want you to realize how important it is for you claim your value and brilliance because the world needs you. Come out of the shadows.
One of my clients was a fashion designer.
She’s the person who takes her vision, puts it on paper, uses fabric, and then turns her designs into masterpieces celebrated on the runway during fashion week.
I find it fascinating that while she often wears her own designs, she has to wear black when she’s at a show so that no one sees her.
Think about that.Out of the Shadows - Upside Thinking
Her focus is to ensure that no one sees her.
The expectation is that she should be invisible.
The person who has the ability to make beautiful patterns come to life has to hide out and dim her light so not to compete with her own brilliance.
Yet, this is a model that shows up in more places than you might realize.
Out of the Shadows
I want you to realize how important it is for you claim your value and brilliance because the world needs you.
If you sit around and wait for your turn, you may find that life will pass you by.
The #1 obstacle to keeping your light from being seen isn’t external; it’s internal.
I was once asked what the biggest obstacle was that was getting in the way of my success, and I responded, “Me.”
A few months back, I spoke at Susan Kerby’s Speak and Shine Your Light event.
During the event, Susan shared a personal story about being comfortable with being herself.
After her heartfelt sharing, she revealed a truth that is often not talked about.
Being yourself takes effort.
The magic and miracles happen outside of your comfort zone.
So, being comfortable and being authentically, fully you rarely happen at the same time.
Most people have thoughts and ideas in their head about who they should be, what they should do, how they should act, what they should wear, etc. and so they “forget” how to just be themselves.
You understand this.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Light
So, to come out of hiding and into the light, you must choose to be visible.
You must choose to be uncomfortable – and that can be scary.
I get that.
Yet, I know how much the world needs you and your brilliance.
You hold the power to light you up.
Choose to be seen, heard, and valued for who you are in all of your glory and splendor.
I am committed to mercy, justice, and protection and it would be much safer to hide out.
But, I’m called to more than that – and so are you.
So, come out of the shadows and into the light because that is where the miracles live.
Action Item: Out of the Shadows - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to make the conscious decision to be seen, heard, and valued for who you are and what you do.
Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.