How can you start making better decisions? Decisions that will shine the light on your value and brilliance? Realize that the world needs you.
When I was in my teens, it was as if the earth opened and swallowed me up.
The real me.
And, somehow I was replaced with an imitation.
Just like in the art world, the replica of me was less valuable because it wasn’t the authentic, original creation.
Or, at least that is what it felt like.
Despite being smart and having a few (I didn’t have many) great friends, I didn’t always make the best decisions for my life.
I made choices from what felt like an out-of-body experience where I would do and say things and then think, “That’s not me….”
After a poor decision would come a heaping of guilt and shame, creating a vicious cycle of self-pity.
On my journey, it took a l-o-n-g time to not feel as if I was the sum total of all of my mistakes.
……To realize that the world needed me – the real me – to make the difference only I could make with my unique talents, gifts, and abilities.
What shifted was when I realized just how much I actually had to be grateful for in my life.
When you spend time praising and thanking, you can’t feel sorry for yourself.
Making Better Decisions - Upside Thinking
It’s only then that you’re able to see the struggles that others are facing.
You get clarity on the difference between real problems and minor inconveniences.
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Because of this, you’re able to give focus and attention to others and how you might be of support and/or service vs. focusing solely on your perceived situation.
You then find ways to pass on your grace and mercy.
Whether it’s in your home, your favorite restaurant, or in a country far from where you live, there are people who need you to love and believe in them.
This can seem daunting.
Who am I? What can I do?
But when you see others in need, it changes and softens us when we are connected.
This doesn’t have to be a monumental task.
Making Better Decisions
Start with one thing.
The simple act of praising and thanking all that you have will enable you to pay attention to what is most important to you and make better decisions.
Action Item: Making Better Decisions - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to choose one thing that you will do to reach out and support someone else. It’s the best thing to keep you from wallowing in self-pity with where you are vs. where you want to be.
The world needs you and your brilliance.