Use your talents to make a difference, throw caution to the wind and make the commitment that you will not be a statistic. Will you answer the call?
Throughout the course of your life, you will spend approximately 100,000 hours at work.
Think about that.Answer the call - Upside Thinking Leadership Development
100,000 hours.
If you want to make the most out of your life with your influence and impact, and make a difference in the world, you have to be fully aligned with what you’re doing.
Only you can choose to design your destiny.
Your job, career, and/or business serves as the best way to showcase your talents, gifts, and abilities.
Yet, when you look at the research it’s interesting that:
When I first formed Design Your Destiny Live (formerly known as the Leadership Success Summit), I did it out of a need I saw.
I knew the value of leadership to entrepreneurs as well as individuals who worked within government, non-profit, and corporate entities.
Typically, entrepreneurs are filled with ideas and look at situations differently, yet often lack structure and process.
Many of the corporate organizations I worked with had structure and process and yet were seeking new, innovative ideas for their operations and teams.
I saw the value of entrepreneurs and those who had a career track coming together to share resources, build community, and increase their impact, influence and income – and ultimately design their destiny.
When you design your destiny, you make the choice to step into your highest calling.
You leave no piece of you behind.
Your commitment to what you have to uniquely offer the world becomes first and foremost.
Doing this takes courage, yet the results are extraordinary.
This isn’t for someone who is interested in an average life.
While there is nothing wrong with average, it’s well, average.
You get paid for doing good work but it’s different than operating from a place where happiness, success, and meaning live.
It’s different than using your talents to make a difference and honoring every part of who you are.
Designing your destiny takes chutzpah and the willingness to be uncomfortable.
When I’m working with a coaching client and they ask me how in the world can I use that in my work, I ask them how they can deny that part of them that only seems acceptable sometimes.
It’s hard work to compartmentalize your life.
It’s hard work to feel as if there are only parts of who you are that are acceptable.
And, it’s downright exhausting to know that you’re not making the difference you’re called to make.
Answer the Call
So, throw caution to the wind and make the commitment that you will not be a statistic.
…………That you will not fall into the 75% that aren’t willing to ask for what they want so they can make the difference you’re called to make.
You were born for greatness and the world needs you and your brilliance.
Won’t you answer the call?!?
Action Item: Answer the Call - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to challenge yourself to do something that makes you incredibly uncomfortable this week to step into your mission and calling.
The world needs you and your brilliance.