As a successful leader, you’re always seeking for a better tomorrow and you can lose sight of the beauty of today. Let me show you three simple steps to stay connected to what matters most.
If you are a successful leader, you are a lifelong learner.
The status quo doesn’t interest you and neither does yesterday’s news.
You are a futurist and operate from a place of “what’s next”, striving to optimize everything you do.
All of this is what makes you a successful leader – and it has a downside.
When you are always seeking for a better tomorrow, you can lose sight of the bWhat Matters Mosteauty of today.
The 4th Pillar in my 7 Pillars of Leadership is Live Your Priorities.
If you don’t focus on the people, places, and opportunities you want first, you may find yourself someplace other than where you wanted to be at the end of the year.
You may wait for perfect to show up so you miss out on the joy that come from being fully present in this moment.
Being “driven” is partnered with the desire to show off how good you really are at reaching your goals so others will be amazed at your high performance and habit of excellence.
If it cheats you from enjoying meaningful connections and loving relationships, your reality is about the ‘next’ instead of the now.
While process and strategy come easy to me, if I work at a pace that is frenetic and don’t pay attention to my body, mind, and spirit, I will crash and burn – and it’s not pretty.
And, I know I’m not the only one.
Several years ago, I had a conversation with one of my clients about this about why she went into the office early every day and was the last one there.
She shared how she wanted to prove that she worked harder than all of the hard workers at her IT company.
And, it was that pace that caused her to be on the brink of burnout before she called me for coaching.
Everything in her life was suffering – her health (she stopped working out and gained 30 pounds in a few short months), her relationship (her partner was not getting the best of her as she was on edge), and her work (she started to get resentful that she was doing more than her colleagues and they would come to her with their challenges).
What Matters Most
Here are three simple steps to stay connected to what matters most.
Being a successful leader requires focus and attention on staying connected to what matters most.
Action Item: What Matters Most
The Upside Challenge of the week is to take action on one of these three simple steps.
The world needs you and your brilliance.