You want to be clear about what is most important to you and for you. And you can achieve this without feeling like “You’re not doing enough.”
Here are 3 simple actions to move you from frazzled to focused
My ability to systematize and process information so that it is orderly and neat serves me well in my business.
Whether I’m working with a client or creating a strategy for an upcoming project, I am able to easily project map it in my head and then create bite-sized steps to put into action.
When I am not clear about when something will get done, it takes up Actions to Move You From Frazzled To Focused space in my brain and can keep me up at night.
This is also true for anything that I haven’t taken action on and know is important to move the business forward.
These unfinished action items will live in my short-term memory and pressure me to give them attention.
You may also have these little nagging voices in the back of your head, too.
Theses voices remind you of the things you “should” be doing or perhaps have started doing but haven’t finished.
And, it’s not so much that these are difficult items for you to handle.
If the to-do list keeps running in your head, it will steal your peace of mind conveying messages that you’re behind.
While that doesn’t sound as if it is that big of a deal, the real message you continually get is “you’ll never get caught up”, or worse “you’re not doing enough”.
It’s as if you’re failing at life – and that feels awful.
When I talk about pillar #4, Live Your Priorities, I make it clear that you must know your non-negotiables in life.
You want to be clear about what is most important to you and for you.
Every time you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else.
You can’t say “yes” to something without it having an effect on something else.
That is the power of choice.
Actions To Move You From Frazzled To Focused
In order to lighten your load and make it easier to manage your to-do’s, here are three tips that I’ve found helpful to stay out of overwhelm:
Living your priorities with ease and grace can be as simple as 1-2-3.
Action Item: Actions to Move You From Frazzled To Focused
The Upside Challenge of the week is to implement this simple system to move from frazzled to focused.
The world needs you and your brilliance.