You have talents, gifts, and abilities that when combined with your life’s story make you one of a kind. Let’s make 2017 your special year to shine!
You are special, uniquely created for a purpose and calling that is all your own.
You’re one of a kind.
You have talents, gifts, and abilities that when combined with your life’s story make what you have to give something that no one else in the world can give but you.
Your message is uniquely yours.upside-thinking-your-special-year-to-shine
If you share your magnetic message to step up, stand out, and be a leader worth following, I promise that the people who need you will shower you with love and gratitude.
I also promise that if you put a lid on your gifts, you will feel as if something is missing in your life and that will lead to feeling empty, directionless, or lost.
That emptiness will not be satisfied by just any accomplishment or movement in your life.
It must be the purpose-driven fulfillment of your destiny.
Saying all of this may sound overwhelming.
I get how scary it can be to put yourself out there after you made the decision to design your destiny.
I know what it’s like to sit up wondering if people won’t want what you have to offer — or if they will say ugly things about what you’re doing.
When you step up, stand out, and choose to be a leader vs. a follower, you open yourself up to judgment and criticism.
But, the world needs you now more than ever.
It’s your time to shine.
You are being called to greatness.
Your Special Year To Shine
Like a diamond, you have many facets and the world needs to see and hear all of them.
In June, I hosted my “Seize Your Spotlight” leadership retreat for a select group of business professionals who are committed to stepping up, standing out, and being leaders worth following.
We spent three magical days in Washington, DC together focused on personality (mindset, message, and money), presence (vision, value, and voice), and partnership (mastermind and momentum).
Being surrounded by other difference makers and visionary leaders everyone left filled with new strategies and a renewed passion and enthusiasm for the next steps on their leadership journey.
Additionally, each of them got to spend a full day with me stepping into their vision for the next year, building a clear plan around that vision, and getting resources that best match their strengths, talents, and abilities. (And, then we went out to celebrate!)
Being a courageous leader doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.
Whether you hire a coach, participate in a mastermind group, or engage in a mentoring relationship, get support.
At my 3-day Design Your Destiny Live event, I tell attendees that whether they choose to work with me or someone else, what’s most important is that they choose to work with someone.
Your people are counting on you to take action by stepping up, standing out, and being the leader that you are called to be.
Action Item:
your year to shineThe Upside Challenge of the week is to open up your calendar and identify a 30-minute block of time you can set aside for yourself. Then, identify where you can go during that time that would best support you getting quiet and listening. When the day or evening comes, ask yourself two questions, “Am I utilizing all of my talents, gifts, and abilities and living my life to its fullest? Am I designing my destiny according to my unique purpose?” If the answer is “YES!”, give yourself 3 cheers and call someone to share. If you’re not, identify the action you will take so that you can show up as the leader you’ve been called to be. Either way, commit to using the entire 30-minutes for you.
The world needs you and your brilliance.