Do you know what Divine Right Timing is and how it affects your success? Three actions that will ensure you are in alignment with Divine Right Timing.
This is a VERY different Upside Thought this week.
It’s on a topic I get asked about a lot but typically only share with my inner circle
Divine Right Timing. Or, DRT (pronounced dirt).
I believe everything happens in Divine Right Timing – and this means I believe in the Divine, a God that is greater than me.
Relaxing and trusting Divine guidance isn’t easy.
Actually, sometimes you don’t get the vision and the plan at the same time.
Paying attention and listening to your inner knowing, the voice inside, means you know what to get involved with, who to get involved with, and when to do something – if you listen.
In fact, that’s the part where it gets murky.
When you get a message from your Spirit (for me that’s the Holy Spirit), it doesn’t mean that you will understand the message you’ve been given.
And, if you take action on that inner knowing, you will sometimes be frustrated and angry because you end up taking actions that just don’t make sense to the average person.
What I’ve discovered is when I do fully listen to God’s message, life works out better than if I had done what I wanted to do.
3 Actions to Be Aligned With Divine Timing
So, what can you do to ensure that you and the timing of the Divine are in alignment?
And, I’m not looking to lecture you today about faith or its place in the business world. Some of my clients and closest friends have very different beliefs than I do and I love them all the same.
Right now, showing up as “spiritual” seems to be in style.
But, this isn’t me trying to be cool. (I was always the awkward kid in school…)
This is simply me sharing openly and honestly that I believe that there are forces beyond us that contribute to our success… Forces that go beyond our talents, gifts, and abilities…what we know and what we have.
And, when we trust in Divine Right Timing, the doors to the right opportunities show up guiding us to places that we never dreamed would be possible.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to step into how Divine Right Timing has served you well in your business and your life.
The world needs you and your brilliance.