Your reaction to circumstances is what Upside Thinking is all about. Today, let’s talk a little about the importance of your perspective on life
One of my favorite movies is “What the Bleep Do We Know” because it adheres to the adage, “Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”
Your reaction to circumstances is what Upside Thinking is all about.
You are where you choose to be.
Focus on the negative and you’ll get more of that.
Focus on the good and you’ll get more of that.
Years ago, my reaction to most things was, “Really?!?”
It felt like I couldn’t catch a break.
In reality, it was my perspective and my lens, not my life or what was happening “to me.”
Now, I look at my life and when there is something I don’t understand, I ask why is this happening ‘for me’ as I believe everything in the Universe is happening for my greatest good.
Earlier this month I went out to dinner with my assistant, Isela.
We left dinner at 9:30pm and headed over to my favorite ice creamery.
With only 10 homemade flavors, it’s like tasting heaven in a cone and I had been talking this place up for weeks.
After parking the car and walking down the street, we turned the corner only to find that they closed at 9:30pm, not 10pm like I thought.
All of the lights were off, however, I could see the owner in the back.
Our Perspective On Life Can Change Moments & Life
I knocked on the door and gave him the saddest look I could conjure up, pleading for him to open the door.
He waved to the closed sign but walked towards the door.
Much to our delight, he opened the door and let us in!Upside-Thinking-Lisa-Marie-Plastke-perspective-on-life-350-pic
We each purchased a superbly created frozen treat and engaged in some equally yummy conversation.
After a few laughs, the owner gave us each a container of ice cream to take home.
When we walked to the car, my assistant said, “Wasn’t that incredible? Things like that never happen.”
I assured her they happen all the time to me – and I expect them to happen.
I shared countless stories of blessings and miracles that showed up at the right time.
And, when something different than what I expected shows up, I find the Upside.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to expect miracles. And, then go out and create them.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.
The world needs you and your brilliance.