Art of Creativity, the Innovative Self, and Success – How and why embracing the art of creativity helped me achieve success within myself and in business.
In school, I excelled in my coursework typically bringing home the top grades in the class.
I loved seeing the red “A+” circled proudly in the top right-hand corner of my homework.
Despite excelling in most of my classes, I wasn’t the world’s best artist.
And, if I wasn’t really good at something, I didn’t want to do it (not something I’m proud of….) so I dreaded going to art class.
I also created a story that I wasn’t creative or innovative.
The story grew into an epic tale where over time I wasn’t good at anything that wasn’t strict academia where I got to use my left brain — and only the parts of it that interested me. Science yes. Math no.
Rather than loving to learn something new, I would quit or give up faster than someone could show me its benefits. (Once again, not something I’m proud of….)
On the tale grew until it was volumes and volumes of me not being good enough at so many things that it felt as if I wasn’t any good at life.
While I worked on seeing the glass half full while I was working in law enforcement, something shifted when I made the decision to open the doors to Upside Thinking, Inc. and I began embracing my innovative and creative spirit.
Importance Of Creativity In Business
One day I had a conversation with a colleague who shared how my out-of-the-box ideas saved her business.
As she described where my strategy took her that was different than when she was trying to do it herself, she fully acknowledged how my brain works and how I am able to see what most other people don’t.
She later hired me to work with her because of my ability to take a big picture idea and synthesize it into smaller actionable ideas to unlock the door to bigger opportunities.
After this, I began exploring the art of creativity – what it is and what it does.
During that time, I also wrote a new story for me, one where I am a creative genius transforming the lives of leaders all over the planet. And, it’s been coming true! (hehehe….)
And, the world can always use a few new ideas from a leader worth following.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to spend time doing something creative. Whether a new project in the garden, your home, your business, or your office, do something that will allow new ideas to flow.
The world needs you and your brilliance.