Pay attention to where you may be dimming your light. More than ever, the world needs YOU. You are being called to leadership. Be the change.
Last week I went to the gym at 5:30am like every morning and got on the treadmill.
The televisions all shouted messages of hate at me.
After 10 minutes, I began crying.
Yes, tears streaming down my face.
Between the bombings in Turkey where my dear friend and the copywriter for my business lives and the shootings in Baton Rouge, my eyes were tearing up and I couldn’t stop.
I felt like a crazy person but I had an incredible realization about my work in the world.
Before opening the doors to my business, I worked in Federal law enforcement for over 10 years.
Because I was stationed in the Newark/New York area with offices at the World Trade Center, I lived through 9/11.
My mentor was killed trying to save others and I sent my employees to the crash site for months to sift through the debris and look for body parts or identification – anything that would put the surviving family members at ease.
Yes, I remember that period of my life well and the choice between anger and forgiveness.
I didn’t leave law enforcement because I had to or even because at the time I wanted to.
I loved my ability to teach future leaders within the Department of Homeland Security.
The women and men in blue that I served with and got to teach were often unsung heroes who used their knowledge, skills, and abilities to protect U. S. borders.
I left my job teaching at the Leadership Development Center because I fell in love with Jim and our relationship was more important to me than a career.
When I turned in my resignation and closed the door on that chapter of my life, I could have spent the hours in my day volunteering and not gone back to work as my husband made it possible for me to choose to do whatever I wanted to do.
I chose to open Upside Thinking, Inc. 11 years ago to make a difference in the world by developing individuals who were called to be stand-out leaders.
And, the leaders I wanted to support were the kind of courageous leaders that were willing to step up, stand out, and be someone worth following.
My heart was heavy last week because I realize how much my work is needed right now.
On my journey, I have moved from delivering training seminars in small businesses and Fortune 500 companies to getting paid well to keynote at conferences and events. And, I launched Design Your Destiny Live™: Leadership Success Summit 9 years ago.
I also stepped into the leadership coaching arena 8 ½ years ago and currently hand-select 21 clients to work with each year.
As I partner with my clients who are working in the corporate arena and small business owners, I customize my coaching, training, and mentorship for where they are at this moment in their business and life.
This leadership journey enables my clients to design their destiny and position themselves so they create the influence, impact, and income they deserve.
So, why once again was I crying?
After all, there is always a lot of negativity going on in the world.
What was different about that morning?
I had been having conversations with God and feeling like I have a bigger mission and calling for my work in the world –– and God keeps tugging at my heart.
Be the change
Because I create leaders and integrate positioning work with my clients crafting their messages of how to be fully seen, heard, and rewarded without having to change who they are, I got that the world REALLY needs my people.
My clients are utterly brilliant. They have their own BIG mission and together we are charting a course to enable them to make a BIG difference in the world.
I also got that I need to speak my truth about what is going on in the world and why ‘The World Needs You and Your Brilliance’ – and speak it like I’ve never done so before.
Last week, I had 3 presentations and challenged attendees to step up and stand out – and be leaders worth following.
Like me, if you’re fully honest, you probably have pieces of who you are and what you do that are hiding –– intentionally or unintentionally.
You may be afraid of what putting all of who you are out there would look like.
You may be holding back on sharing your gifts fully afraid to be “too much”.
I get that being a leader isn’t for everyone. The world needs followers, too.
If you’re reading this, you are being called to leadership.
And, the world needs your uniqueness.
Whatever transformation you bring, the world needs your brilliance.
Your people are waiting.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to pay attention to where you may be dimming your light – intentionally or unintentionally. Then, choose one action you will take to give the world, your community, or your family more of who you are.
People follow the person first, then their great plan.
Be someone worth following.
The World Needs You and Your Brilliance.