Want to stand out? Don’t be a copycat. Communicate your authenticity. Be unique. Show others who you are and your true value.
When I got hired for my first job, it wasn’t because I had a desire to work or wanted the thrill of having my own money.
I was not inspired by the thought of giving up my free time for a little bit of money.
To give me a gentle nudge, my mother dropped me off at the mall and said, “Don’t come home until you have a job.”
I was 16.
And, I got a job that lasted a whopping 8 weeks.
While it felt awful at the time, my Mom wanted to teach me how to be responsible and accountable for my decisions in life. In the end, that has served me well.
Yet, when I look back and think about this experience and the many jobs that followed, I realize how much dissatisfaction I had because I didn’t know who I was or grasp what my strengths were.
And, that’s one of the problems I see in my work today.
I meet people who want to stand out because the marketplace and job place makes it necessary to do so, lest the miss out on big opportunities.
Potential clients and new connections share stories of when they got passed over for promotion, turned down by a big client, or how they don’t get how to differentiate who they are or what they do.
When I ask them what they’ve done to stand out, they tell me that they watch what other people are doing and try to copy it.
Some of them have shared that they read a book that promised to give them the solution “in just 7 days” and while they secretly knew it would be like a fast food fix when you need a healthy meal, leaving them feeling empty, they just didn’t know what else to do.
When you try to implement one small piece of a very large puzzle, it can feel as if you’re giving away a little piece of your soul, giving up on what you’re called to do – just so you can make money.
Over time, you can lose touch with what you’re really gifted at.
Been there. Done that.
Be Unique
When I wrote Designing Your Destiny in 2007, it was meant to answer 3 questions – Who are you? What do you want? Why does it matter?
While this is just the tip of the iceberg, it’s important to start there.
If you can’t answer those questions, you can’t live out your calling.
You can’t do what you were meant to do on the planet.
And what’s worse is that people who are your competitors are getting the lion’s share of opportunities and the people who need you are suffering.
So you’re not valuing your work and not making the money you deserve – and the awesome people who want to work with you are missing out.
I know. It’s crazy, right?
I want you to be seen, heard, recognized, and rewarded for your knowledge, gifts, skills, abilities, and talents.
I want you to be comfortable standing in the genius of who you are without apologizing or feeling you have to change one piece of being your brilliant self.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine the areas of your work where you’re truly not being yourself. Pick up the phone and connect with someone and share what you’ve discovered.
Be someone worth following.