There’s power when you feel the fear and do it anyway. The same fear that can keeps us safe, can tells us is time for a new beginning.
Eleven years ago, I opened the doors to Upside Thinking, Inc.
Anyone who owns a business or has a big dream knows that while you are living out your calling, you need to grow your flexibility muscle.
When I set out on my mission to transform lives through leadership development, I couldn’t begin to comprehend the twists and turns that I would take on this journey. (It’s a good thing I like roller-coasters or I would have been sick….)
You’ve got to be a futurist and pay attention to trends throughout the world that will affect where you’re currently headed.
The 7 Pillars of leadership that I serve up at my 3-day Design Your Destiny LIVE™ event have acted as a compass not only for my business and life — but for thousands of others who have had the courage to take this journey of leadership with me.
Being a futurist enables you to cast a vision with the flexibility to ensure that you may not always know exactly where you’re headed but you always know your final destination – to positively impact the world.
The sixth pillar of leadership success is Progress.
This is the pillar of evaluation and it often scares the pants off me.
My business has experienced incredible growth and blessing over the past year and while I have a written plan with a clear end in mind (that would be pillar #1), there have been “surprises” along the way that have had me stop and change directions.
Fortunately, I am comfortable speaking this aloud to my trusted colleagues and friends and sharing it with my Upside family.
Every Friday, I schedule time in my calendar to meet with one of my dear friends to talk about the “scary stuff” that not everyone gets to see. (My clients can attest to my willingness to “keep it real” and share what’s behind the curtain with them and this just gives me an added safe space to be vulnerable without judgment.)
[easy-tweet tweet=”Facing the scary stuff head on is an acknowledgment that you are human.” user=”UpsideThinking” url=”″ template=”light”]
There are many messages out there that talk about the fearless leader – one who tackles everything without being afraid.
Well, that’s not me.
I have fears – and I face them knowing that everything will work out for my greatest good. And, that’s the Upside.
As one of my friends shared recently, even a warrior needs to put down their sword now and again. Everything does not have to be a battle.
If you have your own business or a big mission that you know you’re called to live out, there’s going to be scary stuff you’re going to face.
There are times that you may not know how to do something or when to do it or even what to do!
Questions may abound – and your purpose probably won’t come with a how-to guide.
When I think about what looks different in my life now vs. 15 years ago, here is what I’ve learned:
You can program yourself to do just about anything.
Before I backpacked the Appalachian Mountains for 2 weeks, I didn’t think my small frame could carry the weight of a 50 pound pack and hike 10 miles/day – but it did.
Before I went to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Academy, I didn’t think I could pass the physical arrest techniques component – but I did.
Before I started my business, I didn’t think I would speak to tens of thousands of people about leadership – but I have.
Sometimes our fear keeps us safe. It warns us of imminent danger.
But, sometimes, it’s just letting us know that we’re about to embark on a new beginning — and exciting new adventure.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to evaluate where fear may be causing you to hide out. Step into it and be willing to change directions if necessary.
People follow the person first and then, their great plan.
Be someone worth following.