It’s important to know how to set priorities so you can fully live yours.
A few weeks ago I sent out a 3-question survey asking for your feedback.
Because I’m in the process of redefining how I can make a bigger impact in the world, the questions were aligned with my mission of transforming individuals through leadership development.
The three questions were:
If you answered the survey, I want to thank you.
If you didn’t, you still have an opportunity to help me by clicking here.
What I learned from those that responded was just like me, you want to have fun staying the course. If you’re going to plan, you do not want a boring structure but rather one filled with joy and ease. (Yay! Me, too!)
And, you want increased clarity and confidence, and bigger connections so you can step into what you’re called to do – and make the money you deserve helping those you’re meant to serve.
You’re also looking for someone to partner with that will hold you accountable when you experience the pitfalls and dark times.
Know that I want all of this for you – and more.
No one spoke about the next promotion or more clients; it was all about impact, influence – and of course, income.
As I am seeking to make a bigger difference in the world with my work, I want to be of bigger service to you and your great work – because the world needs you and your brilliance.
This takes me to today’s UPside Thought.
While I believe the 7 Pillars of Leadership that I speak about at my annual Design Your Destiny LIVE™ event are all important, the one that brings up the most questions for many of my clients is to Live Your Priorities.
What does it mean to live your priorities?
Well, when you live your priorities, you are clear about what is most important to you as an individual as well as what is most important in your organization.
You’re able to distinguish whether you’re focused on what’s in front of you and what actions will enable you to accomplish your plan.
At the event, I review Covey’s Time Management Matrix which categorizes activities into Urgent/Not Urgent, Important/Not Important.
For example, email is Urgent but isn’t necessarily important. (I know you may be fighting me on this one….)
Because email often stresses people out as they watch their inbox grow, however, most emails are inherently not important.
Email causes an immediate distraction and studies show that most people spend about 2 ½ weeks a year just answering email!
When you aren’t living your priorities, you become exhausted, overwhelmed, and overworked simply trying to juggle everything you believe is urgent.
Set priorities
Don’t confuse activity with progress.
It’s much more important to spend time being effective than it is being efficient.
Russ Ackoff, former professor at University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business said,
“The righter we do the wrong thing, the wronger we become.”
You need systems to help you stay on track – and I’m always creating them for my business and life.
S.Y.S.T.E.M. stands for
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to review your priorities and see where you may be getting stuck. What systems do you need in place to ensure you stay connected to your 2016 plan? Where do you most need support right now?
It’s always better to move 3 things a mile than 100 things an inch.
Get into action today!
See UPside. Be UPside. Live UPside.