You choose excellence in all you do.
And, you’ve got some pretty high standards.
Your goal is to be the best version of who you are and never let anyone down.
Oh, that’s the Upside.
But, the potential downside is that you may be addicted to gold-plating.
Gold-plating something is what you do when you go in to make just one more tweak one more adjustment to work that is already really good, hoping to get it “perfect”.
When you’re someone who has high standards, you may become paralyzed (I know all about being a recovering perfectionist….) and never share your brilliant work with others because it’s never finished.
And, that means the people who need your brilliance will suffer.
So, what can you do to say good-bye to gold-plating forever?
Well, the biggest thing is to realize that what you have is unique to you.
No one else has your blend of gifts, talents, knowledge, abilities, perspective, and expertise. There is only one you.
And, one of the main reasons why you may be gold-plating is because you discount your gifts as being “not a big deal” or “all that special”. Or, “not being good enough”.
If you compare your level of abilities with someone else, you’ll always come up short……because there is no comparison to how wonderful and uniquely different you are. You are incomparable.
But, you secretly think, “Who am I to share this….? I’m not as good as (fill in the blanks). I need to learn more.”
The truth is that the world needs what you have to offer – your brilliance – right NOW.
And, they’re missing out if you’re busy gold-plating it wanting it to be perfect.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify what is one thought that is holding you back from sharing your gifts with those who need you most.
Remember, imperfect action is better than no action at all.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.
Keep riding the Upside. It’s all Upside.