If you’ve ever spent time with me, you’d know that I have my favorite words that I use again and again.
– Amazing.
– Inspiring.
– Authentic.
– Upside.
Each of these words speaks about the importance of positioning yourself as an expert and centers around being who you are.
Articles, books, and even some gurus spout the “fake it ’til you make it” mantra.
Playing the convincing game and trying to convince yourself and everyone around you that you’re “all that” is exhausting.
What the world needs is more people who are willing to be real. (Interestingly enough, I was just asked to be part of a tele-summit on “Owning Your Awesome”…..more details to come as I hope you listen in.)
One of my favorite sayings is from Oscar Wilde, “Be Yourself. Everyone Else is Taken.”
It’s important for you to be yourself.
Not what your teacher wanted you to be.
Or your Mom.
Or even your friends.
And, yet, it’s so darn easy to get off track because you’re spending your precious minutes trying to be something you’re not.
We all get different gifts, talents, skills, and abilities.
You’ve got yours. And, I’ve got mine.
You also have your own genius inside.
And, it’s really easy to look at someone else and want what they have.
But, if you try to sell it, look out. You’re a fraud. A phony.
I can’t tell you how many years I looked enviously at others and how what came easy to them was what I desperately wanted.
A great example is humor.
I have had friends who can make everyone and anyone laugh.
I’ve never considered myself to be all that funny.
I operate with a more quiet, serious tone with a bit of edgy and unpredictable thrown in.
But, I am a TON of FUN to be around.
I can be spontaneous and silly – and I love to laugh. (Ask several of my clients who tell me that their sides hurt after our coaching sessions.)
I just have to claim my brand of humor and after claiming it, use it. Give it permission to show up.
Oh, and there are many, many other examples.
What I continue to learn and relearn is when I keep it real, I attract the clients, colleagues, and connections who value who I am and big opportunities show up.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge this week is to write down all of the pieces of who you are – the “real” you. Where do they show up? Where do you hide them? What would change if you embraced all of your genius and stopped worrying about being perfect? How can you ensure you’re keeping it real?
The more you use your personality in your big plan, the faster you’ll get what you want.
Remember, the world is made for those who stand out, not those who fit in.