Last year, I hired a branding company to help me give a new look and feel to Upside Thinking, Inc. while showcasing what I uniquely do for my clients.
I never expected the process to be this long of a journey.
And, while it’s also been a lot of work, it been an incredibly enlightening and eye-opening experience.
Since I’ve been working on this project for fifteen months, I’m excited be able to see the finish line and be able to share the fruits of my labor with you in the next 30 days!
Thinking about this journey brings me to today’s Upside Thought.
· Maybe.
Maybe you are destined for greatness.
· Maybe.
Maybe you have a purpose that is all your own.
· Maybe.
Maybe you have talents, skills, and abilities that enable you to uniquely do what you do in the world.
As I’ve been going through this branding process and challenged to identify what makes me different (and articulate it loud and proud), I have looked at how often the word “maybe” comes up in my vocabulary, as well as my clients.
The word “maybe” has the ability to crush your spirit.
It has the ability to diminish your talents, and skills.
And, it has the ability to blur the lines of taking inspired action to succeed versus giving a half-hearted attempt at something.
When you doubt your ability, you doubt who you are.
And, if you invest time and money into improving how you do what you do, but fail to trust who you are, you’ll be uncomfortable marketing your skillset no matter how you spin it.
Say “No” to “Maybe” and say “Yes” to yourself.
“Yes” is about Choice. Direction. Commitment. and Discipline.
The Upside Challenge this week is to examine how where you can add more “Yes” into your life and a little less “Maybe”.
See Upside. Be Upside. Live Upside. Lead Upside.
p.s. Add more “YES” to your life by attending my Leadership Success Summit – INTENSIVE, LIVE in Miami on August 2 – 3, 2013. I promise you’ll get more done in 2 days than you have done in the past 6 months. (Register Now)