Several years ago, Jim and I purchased front-row tickets to a show at a performing arts center in Southern California.
The box office shared that they were the best seats in the house, and I was overjoyed that they were still available.
Interestingly, these were the best seats in the house to hear the performance, but not the best seats in the house to see the performance.
The actors voices were clear and the orchestra sounded beautiful, however, from where we were seated, I had to strain my neck to see the performers that it was actually painful and I ended up looking at the floor during half of the show.
I expected to be sitting in the best seat, and it turned out not to be all that I thought it would be.
And, I’ve thought about this countless times since then.
Sometimes in life, we push hard for what we think is the best seat in life.
We do whatever it takes to get what we want – to be front and center.
But, sometimes, the best seat isn’t front and center.
It’s several rows back.
Yes, I am grateful for the spots of my life where life moves in perfect time and I get everything I need – and sometimes nothing that I want.
I am also grateful for the ordinary moments which don’t appear front-and-center grand, but are beautiful in their simplicity.
Oh what the world calls an ordinary moment, I often see as the best seat in the house.
The Upside Challenge is to find the extraordinary in the ordinary.
As you move throughout each hour in each day throughout the week, pay attention to where you may be pushing too hard for a result, and let it go. It may be a client contract, a co-worker expectation, a conversation with your spouse, or an outing with your child.
Whatever it is, choose to make a shift.
The best seats in the house, where you have the best vantage point, may be someplace other than you expected.
See Upside. Be Upside. Live Upside.