Most folks don't run out of the gate towards hard things.
It's easier to take the path that feels safe, which is why it's called a "comfort zone."
Yet, struggle and challenges are what bring the greatest level of personal satisfaction.
This is a dilemma for most folks... my clients and myself included.
When I began asking myself the question, "What will allow me to be incredibly uncomfortable today?" and running towards that, my life shifted.
That doesn't mean I go out of my way to create pain or discomfort. Rather, I push my growth edges understanding their purpose and their value when hard shows up in my life.
To do this, I make what matters most to me visible -- something so it's top of mind -- and continue moving towards it.
The saying, "out of sight, out of mind" rings true.
When you have a physical reminder of what matters most, it serves as a beacon reminding you of who you are and the importance of why you need to shine the light you have inside you brightly.
This invitation is to ensure you remain aligned with who you say you are.
In my recent prayer time, I heard the Holy Spirit instructing me to "organize my day." Yet this message was not only about putting one task in front of another, but rather the value of me walking the journey of life with intention.
You don't have to see all of the steps to get what you want or where you want to go.
You do have to identify the first step to take. And then the one after that.
When you're clear on the next right thing to do, it's easier to jump into action.
Over time, I've discovered that my actions are often messy, and while imperfect action is better than no action at all, I could have avoided some pitfalls along the way.
Again, I'm not interested in creating discomfort, but I'm interested in orienting my next steps so that when hard does show up, I'm prepared.
Make your list. Start with one action.
~ Write who you are.
~ Write down what you want.
~ Write down why it matters.
Leave yourself notes or calendar pings. Remind yourself you can do hard things.
Because... the world needs you and your brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one "growth edge" area of discomfort that you have been avoiding, and take a small step towards leaning into it.
Maybe it's having a difficult conversation, putting yourself out there in a new way, or starting a project you've been procrastinating on.
Get specific about what growth opportunity has been lingering in your comfort zone.
Once you pinpoint the area, schedule a dedicated 1-hour block this week to take one small, imperfect action towards that uncomfortable growth edge.
Repeat this "leaning into discomfort" practice weekly or monthly. The more you make discomfort a chosen ally for growth rather than a threat, the more your brilliance expands.
The world needs courageous leaders like you who walk towards their edges.