I once preached the virtue of courage while living a life that screamed otherwise.
Sure, I believed in the idea of courageous leadership, being your own boss, and achieving success independently.
Yet, I'd never experienced it.
During my 24x7 government job days, I enjoyed the perks of a steady paycheck, job security, and benefits.
I spent time thinking about my next pay increase, how much leave I could save, and when I'd be promoted again.
My life was in someone else's hands.
After getting married in November of 2004, I stood at a crossroads with an opportunity to decide what I wanted to do for my career all over again.
I enjoyed working in Federal law enforcement. It was familiar and had job security and all the overtime I wanted.
When I decided to walk away, folks thought I was crazy.
Why leave the comfort of a steady paycheck to the unknown?!? To nothing?
Over time, I learned why entrepreneurship is not for everyone.
Early on, I struggled with believing I could do this business. Every day felt uncertain, and I had many sleepless nights wondering if I wouldn't take us to the cliff of financial ruin.
Jim got tired of talking me off the ledge so one day he put his foot down and said, "This is the last time we're gonna have this conversation. Either do it or get a job."
That moment created a shift in me. A fundamental transformation of heart and mind.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Some things you have to experience and live through.
Understanding a truth that is heard - and told to you by someone else - is not always the same as a truth that is lived.
When you choose experience over what you've heard, it's a different life.
Have you experienced all that you tell yourself and others that you believe? Or, are you simply an echo chamber of what you've heard others say?!?
Evaluate your beliefs. Evaluate where they come from.
Evaluate them based on who you are.
Base your truth on personal experience because when you live what you believe, your life will change. For the better.
And that's when you'll discover what and who are trustworthy.
Go shine your light.
Because The World Needs You... and Your Brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one core belief or value that you have simply inherited from others rather than cultivated through personal experience.
Spend some time in honest self-reflection.
Which of your stated beliefs around relationships, career, spirituality, etc. have you truly put to the test of real-world application?
Where might you be an "echo chamber"?
Once you pinpoint an inherited belief you want to validate, make a plan to put it into practice through direct experience this week.
For example, if you believe strongly in generosity and have not practiced radical giving - donate time or money in a way that stretches you.
The world needs more leaders like you willing to walk their talk with empowering beliefs and values.