A few weeks ago, I was talking to my friend Lisa Hope Austin who asked if I was going to attend the awards ceremony for our mastermind group.
I told her “no” as I had too many deliverables -- and would be attending the workshop the next day, just not the awards ceremony.
Lisa said something that had me stop in my tracks and re-evaluate my decision.
She said, “Chad and I are going because we love to celebrate other people. “
When she said this, I thought, Whoa. That’s powerful.
Later that day, I took a walk on the farm and reflected on her statement.
I challenged myself to think about whether I was someone who likes to celebrate others.
Do I want other people to win?
And, I thought YES!!! So why would I tell her I’m not going to go?!?
The truth hit me between the eyes, having me realize this is how mediocre shows up and how I can let fear win.
Despite putting myself out there over and over again, I am socially awkward and struggle attending events.
Ad yes, I get that sounds weird as I get paid to speak at events all over the world, and I've hosted my annual Upside Summit 3-day leadership conference for the past 17 years ... oh, and three Upside Retreats each year.
<☆< Some of you have attended the Summit and/or retreats - and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. >☆>
Back to the story...
It takes a lot of energy for me to walk in a room, and what most people don’t get is I’m often in my hotel room having a pep talk with myself ahead of time.
See, I’m not a blazing extrovert… and I struggle with feeling like I’m never doing enough.
As if that wasn't enough to take me out of goign to a social gathering, evening events especially wear me out as I'm often in bed by 9pm.
And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked back after I've opened my mouth in a conversation and thought, “That was a really stupid thing to say.”
Dan Miller, I think that's how we met. Lol.
So, after all this reflection and inspired by Lisa Hope Austin's intentions around going to events, I made the decision I was going to attend .... I realized, it was a way to love on the people in Apex who mean so much to me.
Then, I found out I was nominated for not one - but two awards BY MY PEERS, and I was surprised.
See I’m not the obvious choice for content creator -- or connector in this group of amazing deal makers.
I bring up God a lot in business conversations and don’t own a sports car or Rolex (maybe someday Zac Castillo) ... and. I live on a farm in Kentucky - without internet. When I have wifi, I share photos of tractors and trees.
What I do have and bring to the table is a LOVE for people, and an ability to see who they are at a Soul level.
I can see the unseen.
When the Holy Spirit brought me to the organization a year and ½ ago, I didn’t understand.
I do now.
Apex is an organization where you can show up and be who you are ... and grow into the best version of YOU.
Ryan Stewman, the founder, takes the journey seriously and is committed to ever evolving just like me.
That's what I appreciate most about being part of the community.
In my body of work, I offer a confidential space for leaders to evolve, do their work, and make a bigger difference on the planet and I have gotten to participate and do mine, with some of the most incredible people I've ever met.
There’s a part II to the story – and I’ll save it for another day.
Today's message is really about challenging yourself to assess ...
1) whether you are someone who really wants others to win and ...
2) where "life" or your own thoughts have shown up to take you out – and you’ve not rallied back.
When you look at your calendar and see where you spend your time, energy and money ... do you selflessly celebrate the people around you and help them be their best? Or do you connect solely hoping to get something in return?
Where are you still hiding out?
It's time to make a commitment to you …
… to the people you’re called to serve …
… a commitment to shine your light a little brighter …
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to make the effort to show up to celebrate someone each day.
How can you let them know you see them and their unique light and celebrate their successes?
In the process, notice how you feel and whether you are shining more (and hiding less).
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.