As much as I’ve learned from the School of Hard Knocks, it’s not my preferred way of learning lessons.
In 2016, I felt as if I was on a hamster wheel in my business.
- Same place.
- Different day.
- Runnin’ fast.
I knew I needed someone else to take a look and see what I couldn't because I was too close to it.
…someone who would let me learn from their mistakes and not have to make them all on my own.
That’s one of the greatest benefits of leadership coaching.
Can you be a leader without it?
And the odds of you wildly succeeding are stacked against you for so many reasons…
…and the biggest one is you will be light-years behind your competitors if you have to make all of the mistakes on your own.
You can always benefit from wisdom gained through others direct experience, thereby saving yourself a great deal of time and energy. And, you never outgrow the need for coaching.
For example, although my leadership coaching and consulting gives my clients insights into other industries and companies -- and has them consider questions they may never have thought about, I’m currently undergoing a GAP ANALYSIS in my own business…
With the help of others, I am examining every single activity that every team member does as well as scrutinizing WHERE MY TIME gets INVESTED.
~ Where are the opportunities?
~ Where are the risks?
~ Where are the challenges?
~ What can be automated or done differently?
~ What am I missing?
While I talk to business owners every day about these questions, it’s been interesting deciding to do this for myself…and understanding how important it is to ensure the people around me are involved in the process despite this being my area of expertise.
Sometimes you just can’t see what’s right in front of you.
You have to be willing to see what you can't see.
And then you have to be willing to do something about it.
Is the shadow of fear or doubt standing over you, dimming your light, blocking your ability to see and be seen? Do you need more tools and courage for the next step in your journey?
You have options. Commit to action. Connect with others. The light is there and in you. Step out from the shadows.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to be committed to improvement and shining the best version of yourself.
Where in your business or life do you need outside perspective?
Be open to receiving the answers.
Remember, you’re here for a reason…
…and the world needs you and your brilliance.