…and I started really winning when I walked away from the fights not worth fighting.
The ones that seemed big and are really the small fights ...
~ I stopped fighting with people in my family who wanted me to be something different than I am ...
~ I stopped fighting to be the center of attention…
~ I stopped fighting to get people to value who I am and what I bring to the table...
~ I stopped fighting to please everyone because all it did was leave me tired...
~ I stopped fighting to prove myself to haters that they were wrong about me ...
I walked away from these fights ...
And I started fighting for
~ my Mission
~ my Values
~ my Divine Purpose
~ my Vision
How do these "fights" show up in a more specific way as the fights worth having?
Instead of fighting to get people to value what I bring to the table, I build my own table.
Instead of proving myself to "haters" and fighting hate with hate, I choose to lead with love.
Instead of trying to please everyone, I take loving care of myself.
And from this place of being resourced, I can take care of and honor the people that are important in my life.
These are ways in which I recognize that the day I gave up on the "small" fights is the day I started WINNING. Winning by living my best life.
How about you?
--> What fight do you need to stop fighting? Which fights are taking from your life instead of giving you more of your life?
--> Where do you need to lay down your sword and move on?
Some fights are simply not worth your time. They may even be a distraction to what matters most to you.
Choose what you fight for wisely.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to identify habitual "fights" that you have.
Identify which ones are derailing to your highest good.
Decide to lay down the proverbial sword. Then do it.
Put down the sword.
If you find yourself picking it up. Stop. Put it down.
See what happens.
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.
Go shine your light.