~ You choose the Chaos in your life.
~ You choose the Stress in your life.
~ You choose the Overwhelm in your life.
And you do it because you get something from it.
Early on in my business, our slogan was "You Are Where You Choose to Be."
Of course, I wasn't and am not talking about the things that aren't under your control... such as war, death, etc, etc. ...
... and, I can’t tell you how many people fought me on this... telling me they didn't choose the ugly things that showed up in their life.
I've learned over and over that wherever you put your energy and effort…that's where you'll see results - or lack thereof.
Your energy, actions, and attitude attract what shows up
whether you like it or not.
I can look back at every messy season and see the choices that got me there.
So, if what you’re currently choosing in your life right now doesn’t truly serve you …
See the steps that may have led you this place...including the steps you didn't take ... take a closer look and choose something different.
Remember, YOU are, and get to be, the author of your life.
You get to choose where you focus your attention.
You get to choose the attitude you hold in your heart and mind.
You get to choose what you do-- and how you do it.
Sounds simple... and while I get simple ain't always easy, in the end, you are where you choose to be.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to see if you are actively "choosing where you are" in your business and life.
Are you unhappy with your choices? Identify where you have been shirking your duty to be the author or your life.
Decide to make your life as beautiful as you can...
CHOOSE ONE ACTION to take every day that is directly focused on making the life you are capable of living...
Notice the results-- internally and externally.