Progress is rarely linear.
Too often, we have an expectation of how something will show up...
... and then reality presents something different.
Life is full of setbacks or stumbling blocks.
~ The time you didn’t get the promotion you thought was yours
~ The time your business failed to get the BIG client
~ The time someone made you a promise and didn’t honor it
~ The time you didn’t make the high school football, basketball or fill-in-the-blanks team
~ The time you didn’t get the lead role in the play or chosen for the school band
~ The time you didn’t win the contract that you told you were going to get
We all do.
The challenge with potential is that it's about tomorrow…
…and you and I live in today, the present moment.
What does this mean?
☆ At that intersection, you will only do a fraction of what you’re capable of doing – or what you have the potential to do – without leadership. ☆
The BEST LEADERS INSPIRE others to believe in their own GREATNESS.
They see the brilliance you have before you do.
Humility is a word that was used much more frequently in the 1800’s.
Today, it’s a rare quality.
By definition it means “freedom from pride or arrogance,” and many people shy away from the essence of humility, misunderstanding it - thinking it’s about making oneself small or insignificant.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Humility is a portal to a DEEPER UNDERSTANDING of who you are…as it partners with the voice that gently reminds you, “It’s not all about you.”
The only way leaders ever lean on others or get support is by humbling themselves, realizing and admitting they don’t have all of the answers.
With humility, you understand you can’t do life alone... nor do you want to.
To activate your potential and bring opportunity to life, it also takes leadership qualities such as:
~ HUMANITY… the willingness to see yourself in others, connect to diverse viewpoints, and challenge past ways of thinking – coupled with a desire to bring others along with you
~ HEART… the willingness to see others with deep compassion - and be wildly vulnerable
~ HUNGER… the willingness to use all of your gifts, abilities, talents, and experiences to fuel what you’re called to do – and a willingness to learn how to overcome any challenge that presents itself along the way
~ HUSTLE… the willingness to turn possibility into reality through your personal drive and motivation to succeed - examining and addressing all blind spots and utilizing strengths appropriately.
When these qualities meet opportunity, they build the bridge from potential into development and success.
Remember, everyone has potential.
You don’t get to fulfill or mine it without LEADERSHIP.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to practice the 5-H qualities: Humility, Humanity, Heart, Hunger, and Hustle.
See where you are implementing them.
Watch how you shift potential from tomorrow into today.
Be the leader you want to be.
~ See Upside.
~ Be Upside.
~ Lead Upside.