"You don’t need a lot of money to make money. You simply need to become the person worthy of receiving a lot of money."
(Lean in because this is gonna be a good one ...)
I remember my business mentor telling me that 15 years ago and me not having a clue what she meant at the time ...
… as every book I read said the opposite -- that it took money to make it.
And I was annoyed as I couldn't figure out where I was gonna get it.
Today, that quote is a big piece of my leadership work at my Upside Retreats, VIP Days, and Upside Summit.
What I call Next Level Receiving.
Recently, I had someone misunderstand what I do in my coaching ...
... assuming that I teach people how to get close to God …
… and that money doesn’t matter.
I'm not sure what he meant when he said that but I literally choked on my sweet tea and snorted out loud.
He was taken a back a bit so I apologized -- and let him know I wasn’t laughing at him, I simply found his comment to be hilarious and wondered where it came from.
Anyone who has spent time with me knows that I like money and enjoy luxury experiences despite living on a farm, ...
.... and see the money I’ve made as a gift and blessing from God, as well as a tool to help me grow -- and bless others on their journey.
Money is what is exchanged for goods or services received, and it’s an amplifier for who you are.
If you’re someone who seeks to make a positive difference, you’ll use it to do good in the world – and end up giving a lot of it away to do so.
To this day, I have no idea why so many people see the concept of spirituality and poverty as going hand in hand.
Back to my leadership work …
I don’t actually teach people how to get close to God.
And sometimes that happens.
I teach a lot of facets of leadership evolution including how to tap into the Divine Operating System which is a literal system …
… and how to partner with God, Source, your Higher wisdom, your intuition, consciousness (whatever you call it) in your career, business and/or life so that you experience greater ease in all you do.
The goal is for you to have opportunities, influence, and yes, more money, -- and to have it show up without all of the hustle and grind.
Does that mean that there’s a magic money fairy that makes deposits in your bank account every day?
Well … kinda sorta.
Money shows up with ease and in unexpected ways.
When I was sitting outside on a bench near the yoga field at the farm today, there was a small butterfly that came to visit me numerous times.
After the 8th visit, I said, “Alright. Why are you here? What do you want me to understand?”
And what I got was that my clients are like that butterfly.
They are in the chrysalis when they meet me and go through an incredible transformation when we work together.
When they come out the other side, their life is simply better for those who have the courage to stay the course.
And not all clients who start this journey are willing to continue moving forward allowing something, often their "head trash" to take them out.
It can be dark in the cocoon … and I’m a partner to walk beside them and guide the way.
In life, there are many roads to travel, and summits to climb.
You stand at a crossroad countless times on your life’s trek.
And often it’s hard to travel those roads alone.
Each time you want to get to the top of the next Summit, it requires you to be made anew.
That's what leadership evolution is all about and why so many people stay where they’re at for decades, and tell themselves they’re progressing yet they’re just moving on the hamster wheel a little faster, …
… is because of the fear of being made anew.
For anyone who knows me, Lisa 2.0 is very different than who I was just 5 years ago.
Heck 5 hours ago.
Again, you don’t need a lot of money to make money.
You simply need to become the person worthy of receiving a lot of money, …
… and to do that means you’ve got to be on the journey of personal leadership, willing to evolve, grow, and transform.
That’s the work I’m honored to do because the leader you need to be to be able to make and keep $10,000 per year, vs. $10,000 per month vs. $10,000 per day vs. $10,000 per hour is different.
Most people don’t get that and trade in pieces of their Soul to get there, trying to hustle and grind their way to 6, 7, 8, and 9-figures.
True wealth requires a different skillset, mindset, and value set.
If you want more of that with a side of ease in your life, let’s talk.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to remember you don’t need a lot of money to make money.
You simply need to become the person worthy of receiving it.
What action will you take to ensure you’re moving forward on your leadership evolution journey?
The world needs you and your brilliance.