"Of course …"
“I just knew that would happen.”
“I never seem to catch a break.”
Maybe these thoughts have entered your head when something went sideways for you, after feeling as if you had gained a bit of momentum and were moving forward.
Something must have happened that created a temporary setback.
Only you can’t see your way out of it in the moment, and it doesn’t feel so temporary.
Then a voice creeps in, validating every doubt you tried to squash, telling you that what you wanted just wasn’t possible—for you.
For you.
Yeah, everyone else can have that sweet taste of success, and you somehow feel you were forgotten by God.
For most people, this is the end of the story.
Game over.
The skeptical inner chatterbox wins again.
The setback is simply evidence that other people are really more talented or favored, and what you want isn’t attainable anyway.
So you choose to shrink a little, and simultaneously puff out your chest, telling yourself you didn’t really want "x" anyway.
Yet for Upside Leaders, the setback isn’t the end of the road. They see it as an unexpected detour on the journey.
Oh, and I get that more than most people right now, as I've been channeling my Upside Warrior for the past month, facing challenges with massive amounts of courage.
Several friends have even shared they are in awe that I’m still standing after witnessing the blows I’ve faced.
You may ask yourself the same question:
What makes these two people different?
Choice. Direction. Commitment.
If you feel as if you keep experiencing setback after setback, and you’re not experiencing the BIG W, take an honest look at your consistent actions:
Years ago, I got a flat tire on a dangerous highway in New Jersey. I stopped and was grateful for three things:
Are you choosing to take consistent action and move forward
just 1% ... in all areas of your life
every single day?!?
Setbacks are part of life and part of being human.
Most people spend a good portion of their day looking back instead of being present.
The best way to bend and not break when unexpected challenges confront you is to stay the course.
The lyrics for one of the songs I've played in past Upside Summits' goes,
“And I’m taking it step by step, day by day, mile by mile …”
People with an Upside attitude see opportunities, not roadblocks.
If you’re struggling with how to build this muscle into a powerful engine that propels you forward—seeking to quiet that demeaning, doubting voice that tells you you’ll never truly be successful—let’s talk, and sooner than later.
You have a force within you that is more powerful than you may realize.
Send me an email to learn more about how to get off this hamster wheel and get into our Upside Leaders program.
Don’t go it alone, because the world needs you and your brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to harness in the power of your emotions.
What’s one negative emotion you’ve experienced today? Maybe it was frustration, fear, or doubt.
Whatever it was, pause for a moment and consider this:
Your emotions are not your enemy; they are a compass, pointing you toward deeper wisdom and clarity.
If you’re ready to stop letting setbacks or emotions define your story and want a proven path to breakthrough, let’s talk.
The Upside Leaders program is designed to help you rise, rooted in Divine purpose and steady action.