Have you been longing for an easier way to do business and life?
Learn how to tap into your Divine wisdom... to increase your Influence, Income, & Impact.
Yeah, it’s a real thing.
Perhaps you’ve heard people talk about “trusting your intuition” ... or concepts that are considered “woo-woo”.... and don't get it.
Wiktion-ary defines woo-woo as:
"A person readily accepting supernatural, paranormal, or pseudoscientific phenomena, or emotion-based beliefs and explanations.
Some people see it being used by people who are unfocused or flighty and not for serious business folks, yet there are millions of successful people who don’t talk about their woo....and quietly LIVE it.
In fact, there have been research and studies that back up the effects of these practices and principles.
A book by Dr. David Hamilton entitled, "Why Woo-Woo Works: The Surprising Science Behind Meditation, Reiki, Crystals, and Other Alternative Practices" compiled many studies and their positive results.
To me, it's all just God-connectedness.
I’ve been hesitant to talk about my beliefs and work in this arena, preferring to be rewarded for my left-brain knowledge and business acumen and don't often share how I wouldn’t be where I am without tapping into and accessing what I call the Divine Operating System.
I’ve gotten tangible results from using tools such as:
~ Visualizations
~ Affirmations
~ Vision boarding
~ Family Constellations
~ Chakra balancing
~ Pendulum testing
~ Akashic record reading
~ Oracle card reading
~ Heart virtues
~ God-walks and God-talks
~ Psychosomatic studies, etc.
– and other practices.
The end result has been a deeper connection to God...growing my influence, income, and impact -- with ease - and greater health, happiness, success, and meaning.
Lots of people try alternative business growth ideas and give up.
Or they try yet miss the mark on the purpose behind them.
Or they try half-heartedly because they don’t believe that they’ll work for them.
Or they don’t take the smart actions that are also required to get results by using the System.
Many of those same people tell me I’m lucky that God speaks to me directly.
I always laugh and tell them that He speaks to everyone, and most people aren’t listening or haven't taken the time to understand how to listen - or - why He created these modalities.
See, there is a very specific way to do this.
*If you’re interested in learning more, call or message me and we’ll talk).
When you tap into Your Divine Wisdom (not mine) you will be able to increase your Influence, Income, and Impact without you having to trade in pieces of your Soul along the way.
You'll get to do it with ease.
When you master this, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start the journey sooner.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine where a little more "woo" might do you good!
Is there something you could try or be open to, in order to experience a new level of connectedness to God and your Divine Wisdom?