Before having access to a GPS was a thing I never left home without a Johnson map.
I remember pulling off the side of the road when I was in law enforcement trying to find street addresses.
When I would prep to go on a road trip with friends, I'd look at the map before I got in the car so I knew which direction I needed to go.
Every year a new addition came out with updates that made traveling smoother.
((Yeah ... I realize some of you can't quite wrap your head around this ...))
Without realizing it ... you carry around a map in your head every day.
This internal map guides you on determining which direction to go in life ...
... as well as how to avoid the potholes and construction zones ...
... to experience health, happiness, success, and meaning on the journey.
Unfortunately some people are carrying around maps that are outdated.
The landmarks are off and certain roads have closed or aren’t there anymore.
You have to update your map ...
... with new beliefs ...
... in order to get what you want ...
... and where you want to go... i.e., your final destination.
See, your thinking mind creates your reality and whether you are set up for success.
Paraphrasing what Lao Tzu once said ...
~ Watch your beliefs as they inform your thoughts.
~ Watch your thoughts for they create your words
~ Watch your words for they inform your actions.
~ Watch your actions for it forms your habits.
~ Watch your habits for they become your character.
~ Watch your character for it is your destiny.
☆ Where does your map lead?
☆ What do your beliefs say about your destiny?
☆ Are you on the right path to get what you want?
Years ago, I talked about health, happiness, and meaning, yet when you looked at where I spent my time, money and energy, I was off course.
I chose to re-examine how I was living my life and began putting measures in place so I was intentional with my precious minutes, dollars, and spirit.
When you travel somewhere and you're just one degree off ...
... you can be 100's of miles away from your destination ...
... wondering what happened.
Don't let that be you.
Take a look at how current your map is ... and act accordingly.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to review "your map" and most specifically, the route you are on.
~ Is it aligned with your values and commitments?
~ Is it true to how you want to live and work?
~ Is it taking you closer to your goals?
If you're finding yourself of course, then, take a step to self-correction.
Can you make a bold pivot or do you need to adjust by a single degree over time? Or somewhere in between?
Remember the world needs you and your brilliance.