It was 1981 and "Under Pressure" by Bowie and Queen climbed the charts.
Maybe you weren't born, or maybe you remember the words; either way, the message still rings true.
There are external pressures that influence your identity, your lifestyle, and your values.
When you neglect to heed the tiny whispers of your soul, your inner guidance, what I feel is a nudge from God, you may find yourself disconnected from what matters most to you.
It's like you forget who you are and do things solely because you feel it's what is expected of you:
~ By your family
~ By your friends
~ By the world
This disconnection creates a sense of unhappiness, and most folks can't put their finger on why. It's a chronic ache that just won't go away.
Freedom isn't a destination; it's a pathway. When you chase freedom, it will lead to unfulfillment.
I'm practical and work with leaders who want to be productive - AND - integrated in their faith walk. That means spending time in the 'Messy Unknown.'
Yet there is a way to reduce the internal pressure.
When you tune into Divine wisdom, you align with the deepest part of your being. This connection to your vocation takes pressure off of you as you live your life with integrity.
And this alignment allows you to cultivate a life filled with purpose, well-being, and joy and happiness.
Yet how do you do this?!?
When folks feel stagnant or dissatisfied with something in their life, I tell them the first place to begin is to practice the power of the pause - and just listen.
While that sounds a bit weird, most folks are so busy they don't hear or see what's right in front of them.
When you follow your internal compass, the destination is:
》success, and
》meaning ...
... and greater joy than you ever imagined.
To further develop your ability to listen to this voice, get out in nature.
That's one of the greatest benefits living on the farm has given me.
And why I recently went on a retreat for myself.
It's also why I offer 4 of these every year as part of the Upside Thinking programming and offerings.
You just may be surprised by what you hear when you are quiet enough to actually listen.
Remember, the World Needs You and Your Brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to get honest about where you feel misaligned.
Where do you notice areas of dissonance or misalignment? (This is a great exercise for the workplace.)
Are you taking actions at the cost of your own needs? Going through motions based on "shoulds"? Make note of those.
Have an honest conversation with yourself or someone you trust about 1-2 of those misalignments and identify what you can do to live with greater integrity.