I'm truthful and transparent vs. telling people what they want to hear.
With some colleagues, this has earned me sincere respect.
With other colleagues, this has made me someone they hide or run from… because I make them uncomfortable.
I can see breaks in integrity.
Let me give it to you straight.
No one gets it right all the time. Myself included, for sure!
Yet, I am committed to truth, no longer lying to myself or pretending to be something I’m not.
I didn’t used to be this way.
I used to make excuses for my performance and/or behavior.
I was the Great Pretender…and because I wanted you – I mean desperately needed you – to like me, it meant telling you what you wanted to hear.
Over time, I’ve learned that I’m not interested in empowering the status quo.
I’m interested in changing the world.
~ Making a positive difference.
~ Being a force for good on the planet.
And if that means making people uncomfortable, then I’m all in.
See, I understand that I’m wired for MORE.
~ More health.
~ More happiness.
~ More success.
~ More meaning.
~ More money.
~ More influence.
~ More income.
~ More impact.
And, so are you. And, I am willing do everything I can to speak truth to you so you see it too. And live it.
What are you waiting for?
Stop watering down who you are or hiding from the truth of your excellence so that people will like you.
Because, you're actually wrong about needing to be different than you really are...
The truth is, the right people will actually SEE YOU and like you MORE. Because you are perfectly designed-- perfectly imperfect, SO ... why wouldn't they?!?
The world isn’t made for those who fit in.
It’s made for those who stand out.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to be boldly true to yourself.
If you can't see who you are and what're capable of, reach out to a trusted friend or colleague. Let them hold up the mirror of truth.
Risk the truth. Risk seeing and owning your excellence.
And, the world needs you and your brilliance now more than ever.
So, go shine your light.