You probably want what you want when you want it.
And when you want it is probably ... Now.
When you don’t get what you want, which is ultimately in your timing, you may doubt whether it was meant for you.
I’ve heard clients say, “God must have a better plan for me …,” or, “Clearly, it wasn’t meant to be or it would have happened.”
Yet ... what if that isn’t really true?
What if the clarity you felt about what you wanted was the Truth …
… and you weren’t ready to receive what you said you wanted?
Read that again.
Sometimes the experience you want takes time to show up because you aren't as as clear as you thought you were.
Hear me out on this …
See, I listen to people who talk about wanting “more money” or “financial freedom”, yet they're not sure about how much money, nor do they understand the level of responsibility that comes with what they want, in this case money, when they get it.
Just like I also hear people talk about wanting a business that is highly profitable that gives them time freedom, yet they’re unaware of the depth of the work that goes into structuring it well -- and their past performance doesn’t demonstrate they’re capable of being a good steward of a successful business, either.
This equation is true with relationships, too.
I hear people talk about wanting loving relationships, yet they walk around guarded unwilling to fully open their heart to others.
I understand what it looks like to struggle with clarity as that’s what happened to me with owning Summit Hills Farm.
See, I held the vision of expansion and creating a work / live retreat center.
Jim and I had talked about it and even looked at land in Eagle, Idaho, and Scottsdale, Arizona six years ago.
Yet the vision we both held took years to manifest … as I wasn’t ready.
I didn't take care of my physical health and well-being, and I was sloppy with my commitments.
I wasn't able to receive all God had for me.
How could He trust me with massive wealth if I wasn't intentional about what He did bless me with – a healthy mind, body, and spirit?
When you say you want something, you have to do your part.
That's leadership.
You have to live as if it is here, trusting the experiences you’re having are
exactly the preparation you need to have what you want.
Ultimately, that’s your hearts deepest desire. The one you may not speak aloud, yet you’re clear it’s what you want.
And you have to be flippin' honest with yourself about your Commitment.
Most people lie to themselves all day long about how much integrity, and focus they have to build what they want.
When you choose to live authentically one day you’ll open your eyes and realize you’re living your vision, and every step of the work you’ve done was exactly what it took to develop the pieces of you that could bring that vision to life.
Be clear.
And trust the process.
That’s the Divine Operating System put into action.
That’s Purpose-led Leadership.
Want to learn more how to tap in and create more money, more time and
loving relationships?
Message me.
…Because The World Needs You and Your Brilliance
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to write out who you are, what you want, and why it matters.
Be clear.
Be specific.
Be honest.
And then take one action to get you closer to what you want.