Most people are looking for a secret to magically change their life and business and make them better.
I get asked, “What do I need to do right now that will make the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE in my relationship with my boss, co-workers, partner, etc.?”
The abracadabra, presto change secret is…
… watch your LANGUAGE.
I’m not talking about profanity.
I am talking about being thoughtful and intentional with each word you use.
Words can be powerful. They can be life-altering. Words can shape your attitude and have a profound effect on your outlook and the people around you.
The word “spelling” can be defined and interpreted as "to cast a spell..." - and to a degree, that’s exactly what you’re doing when you speak.
Right now…
~ What are you saying about your business and its growth or stagnancy?
~ What are you saying about how much or little time you have?
~ What are you saying about your money and how it comes to you?
~ What are you saying about what kind of leader you are?
I’ve heard all sorts of statements that make my head spin.
~ I’m not a good listener.
~ I’m the worst leader.
~ I never have enough time.
~ I'm terrible with money.
Years ago I struggled with growing my business.
I changed the words I spoke to include phrases like, “Money comes to me with ease and in unexpected ways.”
- and -
"I always have more than enough time to do what I love with the people I love."
Today, that’s my operating system.
I’ve programmed it into my system that it’s the way money and time show up.
Sure, I have growth edges and work on improving in various areas of my
I just don’t want to speak into existence that which I don’t want.
~ Your Thoughts become your Beliefs.
~ Your Beliefs become Words.
~ Your Words become Actions.
~ Your Actions become Habits.
~ Your Habits become Character.
~ Your Character impacts your Destiny.
What you speak matters because it is an integral part of who you are, how you interact with others, and how you develop... your choices and character.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to choose your words with the end in mind. Who do you want to be?
What kind of a person and leader do you want to be and grow into?
Practice using language that reflects that future you.
See Upside.
Be Upside.
Lead Upside.