Are you REALLY clear where are you’re headed?
Have you mapped out potential PITFALLS and TWISTS and TURNS?
Would you recognize SUCCESS if you got "there"?!?
Most people would say YES…
… when really they don’t have a clue.
That’s one of the most fascinating elements of mankind.
Zen wisdom speaks about the human experience like this…
There was a man riding a horse that is galloping very quickly.
Another man, standing alongside the road, yells at the passing rider, 'Where are you going?'
The man on the horse yells back, 'I don't know. Ask the horse!" (This is the opposite of overconfidence).
Buddhist teacher Thích Nhất Hạnh references this level of UNCONSCIOUSNESS in his book "Being Peace."
Most people think they’re clear -- and in control.
They wake up and make decisions every day, feel like they know where they’re going and how they're getting there.
Yet there are UNCONSCIOUS messages or FALSE BELIEFS that operate like LEVERS and BUTTONS compelling you to take action.
A TINY ITSY BITSY % of people –
choose to take the journey of what I call the BEINGNESS of LEADERSHIP.
Because it isn’t the easy road.
While it sounds simple to ask yourself...
~ Who am I?
~ What do I want?
~ Why does it matter?
... to do it well, it means you GOTTA LOOK at your STUFF.
The JUNK in your proverbial TRUNK (your accumulated history), what kind of gas you have in your tank, the way your motor is rigged up, who is driving, and the impact of all the driver's decisions.
To be FULLY CONSCIOUS and AWARE means you’re willing to see ALL OF IT.
That examination can be scary. It requires patience, commitment, and courage.
Yet it’s been a conversation for the ages.
--> Jesus talked about becoming conscious and waking up to what lies deep within you.
--> Carl Jung stated, "The greatest sin is to be unconscious."
--> Marshall Goldsmith, the #1 executive coach on the planet, and his mentor
Frances Hesselbein have received accolades for being masterful on this journey.
People like Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and countless others have walked this path and spoken about its importance.
If you really want to make a POSITIVE IMPACT on the PLANET, the process of self-awareness never ends.
There is no arriving at a final destination.
The journey of developing awareness is THE WAY.
Regardless of how much work you do to free yourself from the stories of your past, there are TINY LITTLE FEARS that show up every day in your brain.
For some people, it’s the FEAR of CONFLICT.
For others, it’s not wanting to DISAPPOINT anyone.
For others, it’s being LEFT OUT or ABANDONED.
For many, it’s not BEING VALUED or SEEN.
And the list goes on and on.
The fears are often UNCONSCIOUS BELIEFS like the guy on the horse.
They run your life until you’re willing to examine them and make conscious adjustments to the way you've been operating. This is really for another article.
When I started my leadership journey 30+ years ago, I thought it was all about skills on how to DO leadership.
Today, I get it’s all about who you are BEING that matters.
That’s when I shifted my focus in my leadership coaching and consulting company to double-down on the BEINGNESS OF LEADERSHIP journey.
Don’t let old patterns run your life.
Commit to increasing your LEADERSHIP IQ through self-awareness.
Not sure how? Hire SOMEONE TO HELP YOU.
I'm always happy to have a conversation.
Simply choose to MAKE THIS your HIGHEST COMMITMENT in the new year.
More HEALTH, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and MEANING than you ever imagined.
And you can take that to the BANK.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to make the commitment to a change in your leadership consciousness.
What first step can you take to become more aware?
How can you keep consistent action on this commitment so you are doing the courageous work of leadership?
Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.
You have a responsibility to go shine your light.