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A Call for Rest, Resistance, or Revision?

LisaMarie • Oct 05, 2020

Success coach, Emotional Resilience expert, and guest writer Suzanne Dudley-Schon is back, sharing her brilliance on flexibility in business and life in this week’s Upside Thought. 

Several years ago I sought to hire someone who would complement my work and coach clients giving them (and me) added depth as a leader. 

A friend posted one of her colleagues was looking to be part of a growing team. I reached out and a partnership with Suzanne Dudley-Schon was born. Over the past several years we’ve worked together, we’ve each grown our own growth edges – and there has been lots of tears and laughter along the way. 

Suzanne understands that the beingness of leadership matters more than the doingness of leadership. You can take all of the tactical leadership actions that generate success and not be a leader worth following. 

This week, I’ve asked her to write about the power of understanding where you stand in changing times. 

Happy Reading!

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A hot topic in business is the importance of being “agile.” Survival is linked with adaptability, adroit response to market changes, needs of your client base, and the overall landscape of today’s fluctuating conditions. 

Another required skill is balance and steadiness. While actively reading the signs to adjust quickly, you also have to determine when and where to “hold,” to stay steady with your current approach as the best route through the challenging times.       

One benefit of the Covid-19 pandemic is that I’ve had the opportunity to engage in deep, lively conversations with my adult children. These talks are not always easy! 

These young people are verbally adroit, possess quick minds, and the ability to Google information with a blur of fingers, before I have formulated a single sentence in response to the last thing that was said. 

I watch the fluidity of their exchanges with each other and with peers. Intense, fevered, passionate discussions, their ideas fly, pinging around the room, some developed, others less so, all tossed into an ocean of conversation. Needless to say, their skills require me to step up my game. 

My coaching clients are similarly jostling in the torrent of daily change and determining how they might need to adapt—personally and professionally, and sometimes bumping into their own resistance. 

Occasionally that resistance is an internal request for stillness, the body and mind’s need for calm and retreat. Addressing that need could simply mean stepping back from a toxic dynamic, getting new perspective on an intractable problem by taking a long hot shower, or pausing for a longer amount of time. 

I manage a business (other than my coaching business) in which it’s clear that while some significant changes may be required, now is not the moment to take action. When viewed from a big perspective, what’s needed for now is to keep doing what works, and what has worked. 

So how do you discern what is required? 

Slowing that examination process down and being in open-minded inquiry. 

Is this an area of entrenchment because it has been a previously successful strategy? It’s hard to fault or give up because it was successful before! Dig deeper, gently. Beneath the ridigity may be fear. Stoicism on the surface may be clinging to the using the lens on the past because old methods provide a sense of security. Today may need a different focal point. 

There is an old saying that every problem comes to you with a gift in its hands.   

Make the inquiry safe. Slow it all down. No commitment required, only exploration… no drastic all or nothing scenarios in this stage. 

While you may feel dinosaurial in your speed of response, as I do with my kids in conversation, the lack of mental crowding and a slower reaction time has its value: pace and space. Openings between the strands of thought and reasons for your beliefs. 

I personally hold this perspective as one of the gifts of aging. Instead of resisting my “gaps” and tightening my arguments to bind up any “holes,” a successful approach is to have room. Be a little bit more humble. Lean into those “gaps.” 

Be willing to hear, even if it might scare you. Reasons and arguments often feel like a school of fish: flashing, tightly bound, powerful together, and fast. 

When thinking is like a net, allowing space, you can listen without attachment. Watching the fish as it were. Ideas can flow and flow through and flow by. You can appreciate the quick silver of ideas and bring in some of the wonderful catch. 

Resistance can be valuable to ward off invasion of a threat or virus. It keeps us surviving, as we are, to continue. This is a fundamental life force and essential tool. 

However if we always resist, insisting on re-doing, re-living what has been, we also fail to modernize, improve, add, and develop. Allowing for something new and different doesn’t have to mean total demolition or disregard for what was, or disrespect. And you don’t have to have the answers in hand. That’s part of the creative process. 

A vision requires revision. Great writing is re-writing. When needed, we make adaptations to evolve and survive whether as a species, an individual committed to person growth, or in business. 

This requires keeping one eye out, watching what is going one “out there,” in order to do our best in response. The other eye remains focused “in” to listen to the internal nudges and needs. 

Cast a net internally and externally, and see what you bring in. You can make wonderful, well-informed decisions when you’ve actively seen and considered all of your options. 

ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to examine what phase you are in. 

Are you in a time requiring stabilization? 

Do you need to resist pressures, insist on what is or has been? 

Or is this a moment where “re-visioning” is required? 

Practice safe inquiry, remember you catch with a net, and the net catches you too. 🙂

By Lisa Marie Platske 18 Apr, 2024
I talk and write about the pursuit of your mission, purpose, and calling. Most folks feel when this 'shows up', it will come with a marching band, balloons, and a parade of unicorns. Life will somehow become magical from this day forward. Not exactly. Your Calling is: "... an urgent and divine inspiration to accept responsibility to do hard things ." Yep. You heard right. Hard things. That means you've got to train and gear up, and be prepared in all areas of your life so you are strong enough to handle what will come your way. - Physically - Emotionally - Intellectually - Financially - Spiritually - Relationally - Creatively The best way for me to do that is to ~ pause each day, ~ take inventory, and ~ reflect on all I have been given. Enjoy your life... and remember, you are designed for More. And the World Needs You and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to take one clear action moving you closer to your Divine mission and calling. Take time each day to pause and prepare yourself in all areas of life so you are strong enough to handle what comes your way. As you deliberately prepare yourself, you'll be ready to boldly step into the next chapter of your life. Remember, you are designed for more. And the world needs you and your brilliance.
By Lisa Marie Platske 15 Apr, 2024
Most folks don't run out of the gate towards hard things. It's easier to take the path that feels safe, which is why it's called a "comfort zone." Yet, struggle and challenges are what bring the greatest level of personal satisfaction. This is a dilemma for most folks... my clients and myself included. When I began asking myself the question, " What will allow me to be incredibly uncomfortable today? " and running towards that, my life shifted. That doesn't mean I go out of my way to create pain or discomfort. Rather, I push my growth edges understanding their purpose and their value when hard shows up in my life. To do this, I make what matters most to me visible -- something so it's top of mind -- and continue moving towards it. The saying, "out of sight, out of mind" rings true. When you have a physical reminder of what matters most, it serves as a beacon reminding you of who you are and the importance of why you need to shine the light you have inside you brightly. This invitation is to ensure you remain aligned with who you say you are. In my recent prayer time, I heard the Holy Spirit instructing me to "organize my day." Yet this message was not only about putting one task in front of another, but rather the value of me walking the journey of life with intention. You don't have to see all of the steps to get what you want or where you want to go. You do have to identify the first step to take. And then the one after that. When you're clear on the next right thing to do, it's easier to jump into action. Over time, I've discovered that my actions are often messy, and while imperfect action is better than no action at all, I could have avoided some pitfalls along the way. Again, I'm not interested in creating discomfort, but I'm interested in orienting my next steps so that when hard does show up, I'm prepared. Make your list. Start with one action. ~ Write who you are. ~ Write down what you want. ~ Write down why it matters. Leave yourself notes or calendar pings. Remind yourself you can do hard things. Because... the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one "growth edge" area of discomfort that you have been avoiding, and take a small step towards leaning into it. Maybe it's having a difficult conversation, putting yourself out there in a new way, or starting a project you've been procrastinating on. Get specific about what growth opportunity has been lingering in your comfort zone. Once you pinpoint the area, schedule a dedicated 1-hour block this week to take one small, imperfect action towards that uncomfortable growth edge. Repeat this "leaning into discomfort" practice weekly or monthly. The more you make discomfort a chosen ally for growth rather than a threat, the more your brilliance expands. The world needs courageous leaders like you who walk towards their edges.
By Lisa Marie Platske 08 Apr, 2024
I once preached the virtue of courage while living a life that screamed otherwise. Sure, I believed in the idea of courageous leadership, being your own boss, and achieving success independently. Yet, I'd never experienced it. During my 24x7 government job days, I enjoyed the perks of a steady paycheck, job security, and benefits. I spent time thinking about my next pay increase, how much leave I could save, and when I'd be promoted again. My life was in someone else's hands. After getting married in November of 2004, I stood at a crossroads with an opportunity to decide what I wanted to do for my career all over again. I enjoyed working in Federal law enforcement. It was familiar and had job security and all the overtime I wanted. When I decided to walk away, folks thought I was crazy. Why leave the comfort of a steady paycheck to the unknown?!? To nothing? Over time, I learned why entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Early on, I struggled with believing I could do this business. Every day felt uncertain, and I had many sleepless nights wondering if I wouldn't take us to the cliff of financial ruin. Jim got tired of talking me off the ledge so one day he put his foot down and said, " This is the last time we're gonna have this conversation. Either do it or get a job. " Eeek. That moment created a shift in me. A fundamental transformation of heart and mind. Why am I sharing this with you? Some things you have to experience and live through. Understanding a truth that is heard - and told to you by someone else - is not always the same as a truth that is lived. When you choose experience over what you've heard, it's a different life. Have you experienced all that you tell yourself and others that you believe? Or, are you simply an echo chamber of what you've heard others say?!? Evaluate your beliefs. Evaluate where they come from. Evaluate them based on who you are. Base your truth on personal experience because when you live what you believe, your life will change. For the better. And that's when you'll discover what and who are trustworthy. Go shine your light. Because The World Needs You... and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one core belief or value that you have simply inherited from others rather than cultivated through personal experience. Spend some time in honest self-reflection. Which of your stated beliefs around relationships, career, spirituality, etc. have you truly put to the test of real-world application? Where might you be an "echo chamber"? Once you pinpoint an inherited belief you want to validate, make a plan to put it into practice through direct experience this week. For example, if you believe strongly in generosity and have not practiced radical giving - donate time or money in a way that stretches you. The world needs more leaders like you willing to walk their talk with empowering beliefs and values.
By Lisa Marie Platske 04 Apr, 2024
Do you have a clear plan for your life in place? Most folks don't. They wake up every day and run on auto-pilot -- and it's often a bit like Groundhog Day. ~ Brush teeth. Check. ~ Comb hair. Check. ~ Go to work. Check. ~ Make dinner. Check. ~ Go to sleep. Check. The world is filled with folks who will go their whole lives and not live one day. And, for those that have a clear plan, it's not always aligned with their values or mission. See, your plan for life operates as a roadmap. It ensures the destination has clear steps mapped out so you get where you want to go in the short-term and long-term. A clear plan is more than an idea. It's written down with a core why and answers the questions: - Who am I? - What do I want? - Why does it matter? And that's also the foundation of the Divine Operating System. Over the years, I've had folks ask me how I've been able to do so much. Understanding the answers to these questions is how. And here's a real-life example... One of my clients wanted to climb Mount Everest. When I asked why, his answer moved me to tears. "To save lives." He was doing it as a fundraiser for those who couldn't ever reach the peak, and as a way to inspire and challenge those in his life. It's that level of clarity that fuels the fire of the passion that is your Divine mission. Some days it feels as if life is coming at me from all angles, and I can't keep up. Yet, when I go back to what's most important - my Divine mission -- I am able to refuel and take the next inspired action. Answer those three questions and let your light shine brightly. Because The World Needs You and Your Brilliance. Now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one passion pursuit that ignites your "Divine mission" and plan how to devote more time to it. Think about what interests, hobbies or causes light up your deeper "why" - the motivating reason you want to make a difference in the world. Once you've chosen this passion aligned with your Divine mission, block off 2-3 hours this week dedicated solely to engaging in that activity. Treat it as an important step towards realizing your vision. Afterwards, reflect on how you can proactively make more room for this activity in your regular schedule going forward. The world needs more leaders like you operating in full alignment with their brilliance and life's deeper "why". 
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By Lisa Marie Platske 18 Apr, 2024
I talk and write about the pursuit of your mission, purpose, and calling. Most folks feel when this 'shows up', it will come with a marching band, balloons, and a parade of unicorns. Life will somehow become magical from this day forward. Not exactly. Your Calling is: "... an urgent and divine inspiration to accept responsibility to do hard things ." Yep. You heard right. Hard things. That means you've got to train and gear up, and be prepared in all areas of your life so you are strong enough to handle what will come your way. - Physically - Emotionally - Intellectually - Financially - Spiritually - Relationally - Creatively The best way for me to do that is to ~ pause each day, ~ take inventory, and ~ reflect on all I have been given. Enjoy your life... and remember, you are designed for More. And the World Needs You and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to take one clear action moving you closer to your Divine mission and calling. Take time each day to pause and prepare yourself in all areas of life so you are strong enough to handle what comes your way. As you deliberately prepare yourself, you'll be ready to boldly step into the next chapter of your life. Remember, you are designed for more. And the world needs you and your brilliance.
By Lisa Marie Platske 15 Apr, 2024
Most folks don't run out of the gate towards hard things. It's easier to take the path that feels safe, which is why it's called a "comfort zone." Yet, struggle and challenges are what bring the greatest level of personal satisfaction. This is a dilemma for most folks... my clients and myself included. When I began asking myself the question, " What will allow me to be incredibly uncomfortable today? " and running towards that, my life shifted. That doesn't mean I go out of my way to create pain or discomfort. Rather, I push my growth edges understanding their purpose and their value when hard shows up in my life. To do this, I make what matters most to me visible -- something so it's top of mind -- and continue moving towards it. The saying, "out of sight, out of mind" rings true. When you have a physical reminder of what matters most, it serves as a beacon reminding you of who you are and the importance of why you need to shine the light you have inside you brightly. This invitation is to ensure you remain aligned with who you say you are. In my recent prayer time, I heard the Holy Spirit instructing me to "organize my day." Yet this message was not only about putting one task in front of another, but rather the value of me walking the journey of life with intention. You don't have to see all of the steps to get what you want or where you want to go. You do have to identify the first step to take. And then the one after that. When you're clear on the next right thing to do, it's easier to jump into action. Over time, I've discovered that my actions are often messy, and while imperfect action is better than no action at all, I could have avoided some pitfalls along the way. Again, I'm not interested in creating discomfort, but I'm interested in orienting my next steps so that when hard does show up, I'm prepared. Make your list. Start with one action. ~ Write who you are. ~ Write down what you want. ~ Write down why it matters. Leave yourself notes or calendar pings. Remind yourself you can do hard things. Because... the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one "growth edge" area of discomfort that you have been avoiding, and take a small step towards leaning into it. Maybe it's having a difficult conversation, putting yourself out there in a new way, or starting a project you've been procrastinating on. Get specific about what growth opportunity has been lingering in your comfort zone. Once you pinpoint the area, schedule a dedicated 1-hour block this week to take one small, imperfect action towards that uncomfortable growth edge. Repeat this "leaning into discomfort" practice weekly or monthly. The more you make discomfort a chosen ally for growth rather than a threat, the more your brilliance expands. The world needs courageous leaders like you who walk towards their edges.
By Lisa Marie Platske 08 Apr, 2024
I once preached the virtue of courage while living a life that screamed otherwise. Sure, I believed in the idea of courageous leadership, being your own boss, and achieving success independently. Yet, I'd never experienced it. During my 24x7 government job days, I enjoyed the perks of a steady paycheck, job security, and benefits. I spent time thinking about my next pay increase, how much leave I could save, and when I'd be promoted again. My life was in someone else's hands. After getting married in November of 2004, I stood at a crossroads with an opportunity to decide what I wanted to do for my career all over again. I enjoyed working in Federal law enforcement. It was familiar and had job security and all the overtime I wanted. When I decided to walk away, folks thought I was crazy. Why leave the comfort of a steady paycheck to the unknown?!? To nothing? Over time, I learned why entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Early on, I struggled with believing I could do this business. Every day felt uncertain, and I had many sleepless nights wondering if I wouldn't take us to the cliff of financial ruin. Jim got tired of talking me off the ledge so one day he put his foot down and said, " This is the last time we're gonna have this conversation. Either do it or get a job. " Eeek. That moment created a shift in me. A fundamental transformation of heart and mind. Why am I sharing this with you? Some things you have to experience and live through. Understanding a truth that is heard - and told to you by someone else - is not always the same as a truth that is lived. When you choose experience over what you've heard, it's a different life. Have you experienced all that you tell yourself and others that you believe? Or, are you simply an echo chamber of what you've heard others say?!? Evaluate your beliefs. Evaluate where they come from. Evaluate them based on who you are. Base your truth on personal experience because when you live what you believe, your life will change. For the better. And that's when you'll discover what and who are trustworthy. Go shine your light. Because The World Needs You... and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one core belief or value that you have simply inherited from others rather than cultivated through personal experience. Spend some time in honest self-reflection. Which of your stated beliefs around relationships, career, spirituality, etc. have you truly put to the test of real-world application? Where might you be an "echo chamber"? Once you pinpoint an inherited belief you want to validate, make a plan to put it into practice through direct experience this week. For example, if you believe strongly in generosity and have not practiced radical giving - donate time or money in a way that stretches you. The world needs more leaders like you willing to walk their talk with empowering beliefs and values.
By Lisa Marie Platske 04 Apr, 2024
Do you have a clear plan for your life in place? Most folks don't. They wake up every day and run on auto-pilot -- and it's often a bit like Groundhog Day. ~ Brush teeth. Check. ~ Comb hair. Check. ~ Go to work. Check. ~ Make dinner. Check. ~ Go to sleep. Check. The world is filled with folks who will go their whole lives and not live one day. And, for those that have a clear plan, it's not always aligned with their values or mission. See, your plan for life operates as a roadmap. It ensures the destination has clear steps mapped out so you get where you want to go in the short-term and long-term. A clear plan is more than an idea. It's written down with a core why and answers the questions: - Who am I? - What do I want? - Why does it matter? And that's also the foundation of the Divine Operating System. Over the years, I've had folks ask me how I've been able to do so much. Understanding the answers to these questions is how. And here's a real-life example... One of my clients wanted to climb Mount Everest. When I asked why, his answer moved me to tears. "To save lives." He was doing it as a fundraiser for those who couldn't ever reach the peak, and as a way to inspire and challenge those in his life. It's that level of clarity that fuels the fire of the passion that is your Divine mission. Some days it feels as if life is coming at me from all angles, and I can't keep up. Yet, when I go back to what's most important - my Divine mission -- I am able to refuel and take the next inspired action. Answer those three questions and let your light shine brightly. Because The World Needs You and Your Brilliance. Now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one passion pursuit that ignites your "Divine mission" and plan how to devote more time to it. Think about what interests, hobbies or causes light up your deeper "why" - the motivating reason you want to make a difference in the world. Once you've chosen this passion aligned with your Divine mission, block off 2-3 hours this week dedicated solely to engaging in that activity. Treat it as an important step towards realizing your vision. Afterwards, reflect on how you can proactively make more room for this activity in your regular schedule going forward. The world needs more leaders like you operating in full alignment with their brilliance and life's deeper "why". 
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