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A Call for Rest, Resistance, or Revision?

LisaMarie • October 5, 2020

Success coach, Emotional Resilience expert, and guest writer Suzanne Dudley-Schon is back, sharing her brilliance on flexibility in business and life in this week’s Upside Thought. 

Several years ago I sought to hire someone who would complement my work and coach clients giving them (and me) added depth as a leader. 

A friend posted one of her colleagues was looking to be part of a growing team. I reached out and a partnership with Suzanne Dudley-Schon was born. Over the past several years we’ve worked together, we’ve each grown our own growth edges – and there has been lots of tears and laughter along the way. 

Suzanne understands that the beingness of leadership matters more than the doingness of leadership. You can take all of the tactical leadership actions that generate success and not be a leader worth following. 

This week, I’ve asked her to write about the power of understanding where you stand in changing times. 

Happy Reading!

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A hot topic in business is the importance of being “agile.” Survival is linked with adaptability, adroit response to market changes, needs of your client base, and the overall landscape of today’s fluctuating conditions. 

Another required skill is balance and steadiness. While actively reading the signs to adjust quickly, you also have to determine when and where to “hold,” to stay steady with your current approach as the best route through the challenging times.       

One benefit of the Covid-19 pandemic is that I’ve had the opportunity to engage in deep, lively conversations with my adult children. These talks are not always easy! 

These young people are verbally adroit, possess quick minds, and the ability to Google information with a blur of fingers, before I have formulated a single sentence in response to the last thing that was said. 

I watch the fluidity of their exchanges with each other and with peers. Intense, fevered, passionate discussions, their ideas fly, pinging around the room, some developed, others less so, all tossed into an ocean of conversation. Needless to say, their skills require me to step up my game. 

My coaching clients are similarly jostling in the torrent of daily change and determining how they might need to adapt—personally and professionally, and sometimes bumping into their own resistance. 

Occasionally that resistance is an internal request for stillness, the body and mind’s need for calm and retreat. Addressing that need could simply mean stepping back from a toxic dynamic, getting new perspective on an intractable problem by taking a long hot shower, or pausing for a longer amount of time. 

I manage a business (other than my coaching business) in which it’s clear that while some significant changes may be required, now is not the moment to take action. When viewed from a big perspective, what’s needed for now is to keep doing what works, and what has worked. 

So how do you discern what is required? 

Slowing that examination process down and being in open-minded inquiry. 

Is this an area of entrenchment because it has been a previously successful strategy? It’s hard to fault or give up because it was successful before! Dig deeper, gently. Beneath the ridigity may be fear. Stoicism on the surface may be clinging to the using the lens on the past because old methods provide a sense of security. Today may need a different focal point. 

There is an old saying that every problem comes to you with a gift in its hands.   

Make the inquiry safe. Slow it all down. No commitment required, only exploration… no drastic all or nothing scenarios in this stage. 

While you may feel dinosaurial in your speed of response, as I do with my kids in conversation, the lack of mental crowding and a slower reaction time has its value: pace and space. Openings between the strands of thought and reasons for your beliefs. 

I personally hold this perspective as one of the gifts of aging. Instead of resisting my “gaps” and tightening my arguments to bind up any “holes,” a successful approach is to have room. Be a little bit more humble. Lean into those “gaps.” 

Be willing to hear, even if it might scare you. Reasons and arguments often feel like a school of fish: flashing, tightly bound, powerful together, and fast. 

When thinking is like a net, allowing space, you can listen without attachment. Watching the fish as it were. Ideas can flow and flow through and flow by. You can appreciate the quick silver of ideas and bring in some of the wonderful catch. 

Resistance can be valuable to ward off invasion of a threat or virus. It keeps us surviving, as we are, to continue. This is a fundamental life force and essential tool. 

However if we always resist, insisting on re-doing, re-living what has been, we also fail to modernize, improve, add, and develop. Allowing for something new and different doesn’t have to mean total demolition or disregard for what was, or disrespect. And you don’t have to have the answers in hand. That’s part of the creative process. 

A vision requires revision. Great writing is re-writing. When needed, we make adaptations to evolve and survive whether as a species, an individual committed to person growth, or in business. 

This requires keeping one eye out, watching what is going one “out there,” in order to do our best in response. The other eye remains focused “in” to listen to the internal nudges and needs. 

Cast a net internally and externally, and see what you bring in. You can make wonderful, well-informed decisions when you’ve actively seen and considered all of your options. 

ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to examine what phase you are in. 

Are you in a time requiring stabilization? 

Do you need to resist pressures, insist on what is or has been? 

Or is this a moment where “re-visioning” is required? 

Practice safe inquiry, remember you catch with a net, and the net catches you too. 🙂

By Lisa Marie Platske February 17, 2025
It’s been 20 years since I sat at my desk in Riverside, “California dreaming” about Upside Thinking, LLC. I envisioned it as a global leadership company and brand that would be different from organizations that focused on technical expertise. Our focus would be on happiness, success, and meaning – the top of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These tenets are built into the Upside Summit, an experience designed to bring leaders together in a way that fosters transformation. Life happens moment by moment, the lows and highs woven together like an exquisite silk tapestry. While it may feel good to focus on the high moments, the lows teach us how to discover and/or create happiness, success, and meaning. I’ve had an unsettling feeling in my bones lately and have questioned from where it’s coming. It feels as if there have been many blows or lows that my body has felt as if I’ve been in the ring with Ali, Mayweather, and Tyson all at the same time. The political landscape, as well as debates over AI, social responsibility, and freedom have created feelings of pain, grief, and outrage – which can be where meaning lives. Yet, it’s not an easy road to walk: feeling feelings, being uncomfortable, examining beliefs, finding clarity in the chaos, and making decisions. Perhaps you understand this. Meaning is defined as “ the sense or significance of… ” and when it intersects with caring about others as much as caring about yourself, then leadership becomes what is ... ... the Highest and Best good for All. You as a leader become more purpose-driven and seek to connect with others who have a similar why. Even when they have different beliefs, the common “why” as a focal point can hold you together. When there is no clear “why,” you have little motivation to take action any differently than you’ve done before. Have the courage to look at the gaps without getting caught up in the swirl of emotion, understanding that our common humanity can serve to unite us. ACTION: The Upside Challenge is to engage in a dialogue of meaning and different types of conversations with family, friends, and colleagues than you might typically have. Don’t shy away from talking about the lows. It is only from this place we can appreciate our differences. To do so is to be made anew. Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. With everything Upside, Lisa Marie Platske President, Upside Thinking, LLC 951.334.9162 p.s. True leadership isn’t just about what you do, it’s about who you become. The Upside Leaders program is a 12-week journey designed to help you align with the Divine Operating System, so you can lead with clarity, conviction, and impact. If you’re feeling called to more—more meaning, more purpose, more transformation—this is your invitation. Step in, rise up, and lead at your highest level. Join us now.
By Lisa Marie Platske February 10, 2025
Cleaning and De-cluttering. This seems to be the daily theme at the farm. Since moving into the property, I’ve been releasing many things from my life: ~ Clothing I hadn’t worn in years ~ New pillows, bedding, and household items that never seemed right ~ Old electronics, including two laptops that a friend was able to re-purpose ~ Papers, papers, and more papers! I’ve also been re-examining what still fits as I move into this new chapter. Getting really honest with why I hold on to things (and people) when they clearly no longer fit in my life. I even deleted hundreds—dare I say thousands—of names from my email list, making my list size the un-sexiest it’s ever been. In the coaching world, this is seen as a fatal mistake—the kiss of death—as your list size is what makes you “cool.” On this part of my journey, I’m much more discerning of the people, places, and situations that are part of my life. I’m examining the distractions that keep me from shining brightly. And, after years of being told not to take things personally, that’s all I’m interested in, because life is personal. You can’t be a leader worth following unless you can see and honor someone’s humanity: ~ What makes their heart hurt ~ What makes them laugh uncontrollably ~ What makes them wonderful and unique That’s the kind of leadership I’m interested in. The kind that’s personal. And that just may take a little de-cluttering and letting go of what and who doesn’t allow you to be the best version of who you’re called to be. Don’t let people, places, or things get in the way of you shining your light. Because the world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to reflect on what’s taking up space in your life? Take 30 minutes today to identify one physical item or relationship that no longer serves you. Whether it’s an old piece of clothing, a cluttered drawer, or an obligation you’ve outgrown, release it with gratitude for its role in your life.
By Lisa Marie Platske February 3, 2025
Are you in integrity with yourself? That’s what the world is really asking when they see if you measure up as a leader worth following. The deeper you are in relationship with yourself, the greater you’re able to serve others and make a positive difference on the planet. You can’t be in integrity with yourself unless you’re able to access your emotions, to experience emotional well-being. See, most people sidestep the things they don’t want to deal with in their life. They do it all day long. They have hidden places, in dark corners, where they’d rather not look. The actions can look like no big deal, like saying ‘yes’ to something when you really want to say ‘no’. I mean it’s just easier to go along to get along. Yet when you do this, you’re out of integrity with yourself. And over time, the consequences are costly. You can stack up all of the wins, and get external validation, yet the person in the mirror will still be staring back at you. You can’t really hide from yourself. I’ve got a pretty tough exterior, and I was an emotional stuffer for years. It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that your emotions reveal where you’re off-track. When you choose to listen amidst the noise of the world, you can see what just may be getting in the way. Only if you’re willing to. Looking deep into your soul. The world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to pause and check in with yourself the next time you feel uncomfortable, frustrated, or out of alignment. Ask yourself: What is this emotion trying to show me about where I’m off track? Is there a hidden “yes” or “no” I’ve been avoiding? Once you’ve identified it, take one intentional step to honor what you uncover. Maybe it’s setting a boundary, speaking your truth, or letting go of something that no longer serves you. Your emotions are a guide, trust them, and see where they lead. 
By Lisa Marie Platske January 13, 2025
When you aren’t willing to fully examine… ~ what you believe, ~ the size of your comfort zone, ~ and the operational effectiveness of your processes and systems... … you stay stuck. There is a hard cost to choosing to stay stuck. ~ Physically ~ Emotionally ~ Intellectually ~ Spiritually ~ Financially ~ Relationally ~ And to the health of your career or business. Moving forward requires change. And, change is uncomfortable for most people, especially when it requires letting go of what was. It's not usually external waves that cause your boat to sink... ... rather it's the SMALL HOLE INSIDE your BOAT that YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING. A little reflection goes a long way, along with conversations with someone you trust. ~ What have you been ignoring or putting off? ~ What haven't you been willing to look at? Ignoring or delaying doesn't typically help because that small hole may be getting bigger... The longer you delay looking at things, the sense of overwhelm grows too-- much like the feeling that the boat is filling up with water. Pretty soon you may be swimming inside your proverbial boat. What is the process for getting unstuck? It starts with a commitment to make a clear-eyed assessment of where you are. This requires both courage and vulnerability. The costs to stay stuck are high. Be willing to see where you might be off course without judgment. Remember, judgment and discernment are different. One is constructive, the other is destructive. Next focus on what you want . What's your desired outcome? Use your imagination to build the bridge in the gap between where you are and also from the goal ("end"). ~ What do you need to do? ~ Who do you need to be? If you can create it in your mind, you can create it in the world. While it may look different as you build and take each step... you'll be moving forward... Find the courage to take the first step. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to LOOK at where you are stuck and have been ignoring or delaying. Examine the situation with a neutral eye from multiple angles. What is your desired and designed outcome? CHOOSE the first step ... which might just be reaching out to someone for coaching. Have the courage to take that ACTION step. If you need support or resources... reach out . The world needs you and your brilliance. 
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By Lisa Marie Platske February 17, 2025
It’s been 20 years since I sat at my desk in Riverside, “California dreaming” about Upside Thinking, LLC. I envisioned it as a global leadership company and brand that would be different from organizations that focused on technical expertise. Our focus would be on happiness, success, and meaning – the top of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These tenets are built into the Upside Summit, an experience designed to bring leaders together in a way that fosters transformation. Life happens moment by moment, the lows and highs woven together like an exquisite silk tapestry. While it may feel good to focus on the high moments, the lows teach us how to discover and/or create happiness, success, and meaning. I’ve had an unsettling feeling in my bones lately and have questioned from where it’s coming. It feels as if there have been many blows or lows that my body has felt as if I’ve been in the ring with Ali, Mayweather, and Tyson all at the same time. The political landscape, as well as debates over AI, social responsibility, and freedom have created feelings of pain, grief, and outrage – which can be where meaning lives. Yet, it’s not an easy road to walk: feeling feelings, being uncomfortable, examining beliefs, finding clarity in the chaos, and making decisions. Perhaps you understand this. Meaning is defined as “ the sense or significance of… ” and when it intersects with caring about others as much as caring about yourself, then leadership becomes what is ... ... the Highest and Best good for All. You as a leader become more purpose-driven and seek to connect with others who have a similar why. Even when they have different beliefs, the common “why” as a focal point can hold you together. When there is no clear “why,” you have little motivation to take action any differently than you’ve done before. Have the courage to look at the gaps without getting caught up in the swirl of emotion, understanding that our common humanity can serve to unite us. ACTION: The Upside Challenge is to engage in a dialogue of meaning and different types of conversations with family, friends, and colleagues than you might typically have. Don’t shy away from talking about the lows. It is only from this place we can appreciate our differences. To do so is to be made anew. Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. With everything Upside, Lisa Marie Platske President, Upside Thinking, LLC 951.334.9162 p.s. True leadership isn’t just about what you do, it’s about who you become. The Upside Leaders program is a 12-week journey designed to help you align with the Divine Operating System, so you can lead with clarity, conviction, and impact. If you’re feeling called to more—more meaning, more purpose, more transformation—this is your invitation. Step in, rise up, and lead at your highest level. Join us now.
By Lisa Marie Platske February 10, 2025
Cleaning and De-cluttering. This seems to be the daily theme at the farm. Since moving into the property, I’ve been releasing many things from my life: ~ Clothing I hadn’t worn in years ~ New pillows, bedding, and household items that never seemed right ~ Old electronics, including two laptops that a friend was able to re-purpose ~ Papers, papers, and more papers! I’ve also been re-examining what still fits as I move into this new chapter. Getting really honest with why I hold on to things (and people) when they clearly no longer fit in my life. I even deleted hundreds—dare I say thousands—of names from my email list, making my list size the un-sexiest it’s ever been. In the coaching world, this is seen as a fatal mistake—the kiss of death—as your list size is what makes you “cool.” On this part of my journey, I’m much more discerning of the people, places, and situations that are part of my life. I’m examining the distractions that keep me from shining brightly. And, after years of being told not to take things personally, that’s all I’m interested in, because life is personal. You can’t be a leader worth following unless you can see and honor someone’s humanity: ~ What makes their heart hurt ~ What makes them laugh uncontrollably ~ What makes them wonderful and unique That’s the kind of leadership I’m interested in. The kind that’s personal. And that just may take a little de-cluttering and letting go of what and who doesn’t allow you to be the best version of who you’re called to be. Don’t let people, places, or things get in the way of you shining your light. Because the world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to reflect on what’s taking up space in your life? Take 30 minutes today to identify one physical item or relationship that no longer serves you. Whether it’s an old piece of clothing, a cluttered drawer, or an obligation you’ve outgrown, release it with gratitude for its role in your life.
By Lisa Marie Platske February 3, 2025
Are you in integrity with yourself? That’s what the world is really asking when they see if you measure up as a leader worth following. The deeper you are in relationship with yourself, the greater you’re able to serve others and make a positive difference on the planet. You can’t be in integrity with yourself unless you’re able to access your emotions, to experience emotional well-being. See, most people sidestep the things they don’t want to deal with in their life. They do it all day long. They have hidden places, in dark corners, where they’d rather not look. The actions can look like no big deal, like saying ‘yes’ to something when you really want to say ‘no’. I mean it’s just easier to go along to get along. Yet when you do this, you’re out of integrity with yourself. And over time, the consequences are costly. You can stack up all of the wins, and get external validation, yet the person in the mirror will still be staring back at you. You can’t really hide from yourself. I’ve got a pretty tough exterior, and I was an emotional stuffer for years. It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that your emotions reveal where you’re off-track. When you choose to listen amidst the noise of the world, you can see what just may be getting in the way. Only if you’re willing to. Looking deep into your soul. The world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to pause and check in with yourself the next time you feel uncomfortable, frustrated, or out of alignment. Ask yourself: What is this emotion trying to show me about where I’m off track? Is there a hidden “yes” or “no” I’ve been avoiding? Once you’ve identified it, take one intentional step to honor what you uncover. Maybe it’s setting a boundary, speaking your truth, or letting go of something that no longer serves you. Your emotions are a guide, trust them, and see where they lead. 
By Lisa Marie Platske January 13, 2025
When you aren’t willing to fully examine… ~ what you believe, ~ the size of your comfort zone, ~ and the operational effectiveness of your processes and systems... … you stay stuck. There is a hard cost to choosing to stay stuck. ~ Physically ~ Emotionally ~ Intellectually ~ Spiritually ~ Financially ~ Relationally ~ And to the health of your career or business. Moving forward requires change. And, change is uncomfortable for most people, especially when it requires letting go of what was. It's not usually external waves that cause your boat to sink... ... rather it's the SMALL HOLE INSIDE your BOAT that YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING. A little reflection goes a long way, along with conversations with someone you trust. ~ What have you been ignoring or putting off? ~ What haven't you been willing to look at? Ignoring or delaying doesn't typically help because that small hole may be getting bigger... The longer you delay looking at things, the sense of overwhelm grows too-- much like the feeling that the boat is filling up with water. Pretty soon you may be swimming inside your proverbial boat. What is the process for getting unstuck? It starts with a commitment to make a clear-eyed assessment of where you are. This requires both courage and vulnerability. The costs to stay stuck are high. Be willing to see where you might be off course without judgment. Remember, judgment and discernment are different. One is constructive, the other is destructive. Next focus on what you want . What's your desired outcome? Use your imagination to build the bridge in the gap between where you are and also from the goal ("end"). ~ What do you need to do? ~ Who do you need to be? If you can create it in your mind, you can create it in the world. While it may look different as you build and take each step... you'll be moving forward... Find the courage to take the first step. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to LOOK at where you are stuck and have been ignoring or delaying. Examine the situation with a neutral eye from multiple angles. What is your desired and designed outcome? CHOOSE the first step ... which might just be reaching out to someone for coaching. Have the courage to take that ACTION step. If you need support or resources... reach out . The world needs you and your brilliance. 
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