When I was in high school, I had a series of notebooks filled with quotes that I would read over and over.
These “pearls of wisdom” were simply sayings that kept me grounded or inspired.
The definition of a saying is, “a short, pithy expression that generally contains advice or wisdom.”
Over the years, I’ve created a few of my own that I use in my coaching and teachings like
You probably have a few of your own, too.
One that I say just about every day is, “All in Divine Right Timing (DiRT).”
This is a reminder to release my attachment to the outcome and accept what unfolds or grows from being fertile soil. And it helps to remember that what I’m seeing with my human understanding may be a small piece of the overall picture.
When I trust that “everything is conspiring for my greatest good” – another frequently used expression – and all happens in Divine Right Timing, I believe all that is transpiring in my life is perfect even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment. ((And, oh, how often it doesn’t make sense to me! ))
I may not be able to see and understand the beautiful tapestry I’m weaving – and I may not even have some of the threads.
However, I trust that everything is in divine and perfect order.
It’s in this place I’m able to fully rest as I’m not trying to muscle through something.
I move from fear to faith (the name of my chapter in Turn Possibilities into Realities), no longer trying to force specific solutions, trusting each outcome is for the best.
Great leaders get that sometimes expected and unexpected circumstances happen other than what they planned, taking them down a different avenue.
They don’t get flustered when this happens. Instead, they choose to lean into new possibilities.
They may have planned for the possibility of the outcome, or they have developed the skills to handle the unexpected: being nimble and ready to adjust as needed, while keeping their emotions in check, and staying aligned with the bigger picture and mission.
The skillfulness to handle the unexpected depends on the ability to let go of “what isn’t” and flow with “what is”.
By its very nature, life is filled with the unexpected. The reality is there are countless variables beyond one’s control.
Often the dividing line between a good leader and a great one is how she responds to the unexpected.
The Upside Challenge of the week is to practice handling the unexpected.
How do you habitually deal with the unexpected?
Make a conscious adjustment. Choose to become an expert.
The world needs you and your brilliance.