“2019 is here! 2019 is finally here!” was the message I received on my voicemail.
The voice cried out with a sense of exasperation and jubilation mixed together like oil and vinegar when they’re combined.
See, most people look for a new beginning to be packaged in a new year, as if they need the calendar to confirm it’s finally time to set out on a journey to get what they want.
A few weeks later, many people discover all of the hopes and dreams they boxed up for January 1st were stolen.
I emphasize this possibility at Design Your Destiny Live, my annual 3-day leadership conference, not because I want to be a negative Nellie; it’s just I’d rather share the truth of what I’ve experienced.
At the event, it’s easy to get drunk on the exhilaration of being in community, and it’s important to be prepared for the disconnection, isolation and loneliness that may happen when you leave the event and don’t have a strong support system.
Right now is a great time to focus on designing your destiny.
Of course, every moment of every day is a great time to design your destiny.
Most people hit a hard spot and stop, holding out for a better time…like after spring break, summer vacation, or the holidays….or….
If you’re not where you want to be, it can be tempting to wait it out and only start fresh during the next season.
Do you quit when the going gets tough?
Or, are you on the other end of the spectrum and muscle through the challenge but lose sight of what matters most?
Is either scenario a pattern for you?
It may be time to break the pattern and create new neuropathways around success and getting what you want.
Did you know that Apollo rockets are off course 98% of the time?
And, still somehow we make it to the moon and back.
What’s most important is to shine light on your successful habits and break patterns that aren’t serving you so you can create what will serve you to experience massive success in 2019.
Here is a simple approach to do that:
Examine energy drains or repeated patterns that don’t serve you.
Take a look at your vast array of strengths, skills, and outside resources and examine where you may have “gaps”.
With the end in mind, ask how you can use your current strengths or skillset or reach out for support in order to shift the drains to gains – and re-work the patterns that don’t work to patterns that get you closer to what you want.
The Upside Challenge of the week is to use this simple approach – or choose a single habit that you are committed to changing for a better outcome. Reach out for support where you need it. Commit to taking action even if it’s uncomfortable.
Comfort doesn’t change the world. Vulnerability changes everything.
Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.