Do you know the key to your focus and success? Rest and sleep. Let me share with you my evening routine that allows me to have great nights of sleep.
Last night I had a great night of sleep.
Actually, I sleep well most nights.
And, when I’m not traveling, I typically nap on Saturday and Sunday for about an hour.
This was not the case when I was in my 20’s.
Back then, I thought it was cool to burn the candle at both ends.
I bragged about how little sleep I could live on as if this earned me some sort of high-achiever trophy for staying awake more hours than my counterparts.
When I went back to school for my Master’s degree, I came close to a full burnout because of how often I was running on empty.
And, I did this again in the first year of opening my business.
Trying to do it all has never worked well for me.
This is directly related to Leadership Pillar #4: Live Your Priority or Priorities that we discuss in detail at Design Your Destiny Live (I hope you’re going to be there in January!).
Getting good sleep enables you to thrive and do the work you’re called to do.
It enables you to live out your big mission in a way that inspires others vs. living out your big mission and being a hot mess throughout the journey.
I encourage my clients to have lots of spaciousness in their lives.
It’s a habit I look to help them create when we’re together on calls or at our in-person retreats.
Rest is vital to both focus and success – and studies show this.
Yet, most people who are high-achievers feel lazy if they’re not doing something or if they’re not in action.
Being is as important as doing – and sleep helps you to be the best version of yourself.
Now, this isn’t a sexy topic – and it’s critical to be a great leader that is worth following.
Key to Your Focus and Success
So, put away your technology and turn it all off so that the sounds, lights, and electricity don’t get in the way of a great night of sleep.
And, create a peaceful routine to end the day well.
I suggest 10 minutes to assess what has worked, what didn’t and what you would do differently.
Several years ago, I realized most of my clients had routines to start their day that included prayer and meditation, — yet very few of them had routines to review, assess and close out their day.
My evening routine includes reading from the Bible, and a chapter from one book, 10 minutes to be still, and prayer and meditation.
One of the evening prayers I love is the Examen.
It was created by St. Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish priest who was the founder of the religious order the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits.
Some trivia for you – One of the reasons I chose to attend University of Scranton for my undergraduate degree was because they were a Jesuit research university.
The purpose of the Examen is to understand yourself – and God – in a deeper way by reviewing what occurred throughout the day and feeling the feelings that showed up.
Most people are okay with the review.
Very few people like to review and re-live the feelings that came up during the day.
Yet, feeling the feelings enables you to identify and move past something and experience peace.
Because I’ve had the honor of working with an incredibly diverse clientele, I’ve worked with clients of all faiths and several have modified this practice to benefit them in finding peace and joy at the end of their day, leading to a good night of rest.
As Michael Hyatt said,
“Shortchanging your sleep to get more done is actually sabotaging your success.”
And, I agree with him.
The world needs you even more right now.
When you deprive yourself of sleep, you deprive your people of getting the best of who you are.
You sabotage the success of your mission and big calling.
The world needs leaders who can inspire and lead well.
So, rest up because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Action Item: Key to Your Focus - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to review your routine at the end of the day. What is working – and what is not working to ensure that you get an optimal amount of sleep each night? What will you commit to doing differently?
The world needs you and your brilliance.