Last week one of my friends and I were finally chatting over the phone. It had taken us weeks to get our schedules aligned, mostly because I’m out of town a lot.
During the conversation, she shared that she believes that I’m the busiest person she knows. (And, she said it with great emphasis and exasperation.)
Her comment made me sit up and take notice so I let it sit for me for a while.
I asked myself, “Was I too busy?”
The answer that came from an internal knowing was a clear “no”.
While I just might agree with her that I am the busiest person she knows, my life comes with structure and peace, not the typical “crazy” that is associated with busyness.
And, what I believe enables me to operate in this space is the secret that has led me to being happier than most people who have more. (I know. That’s a pretty bold statement.)
Now, you may be thinking, “I bet she’s talking about gratitude.”
And, you’re partially right.
But, what I’m speaking about is celebration
All of my life.
My wins.
My losses.
My everyday actions.
What may look like ordinary sameness to other people is an exhilarating journey to me if I choose to see it that way.
When you celebrate who you are and your brilliance, you are affirming that your life is good, regardless of the circumstances.
Celebrating life shows up in many forms and it doesn’t need to be complicated or filled with fanfare.
It can be
These are simple ways that you can celebrate your life
Whatever you decide to do to celebrate:
And, know that celebration is a habit that becomes easier to do over time.
So whether you get out the sparklers and confetti and start your own parade or quietly celebrate by yourself over a cup of herbal tea, you’ll be creating the kind of joy and happiness that will make others look at you in wonder and awe.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to celebrate you.
People follow the person first, not their great plan. Be someone worth following.
See UPside. Be UPside. Live Upside.