Can a BIG vision get in the way of your success?
That’s a tricky question.
You’ve probably been told you need to have a BIG vision, maybe even by me, as I speak about this at my annual Design Your Destiny LIVE event. And, I will often write or speak about the BIG vision I have for my own life. Having a BIG vision has the ability to inspire greatness inside of you so that you rise up and do things you didn’t even think were possible.
However, I’ve had conversations with clients where the thought of a BIG vision paralyzed them from moving forward because they seemed out of so completely out of reach that their mind couldn’t comprehend how they were going to get from here to there. This is why I give my clients permission to design their destiny one step at a time.
The answer is sometimes a BIG vision can get in the way of your success. Last year, I created a health commitment for myself that included going to the gym 6 days a week. I found myself getting fanatical about this and creating guilt if my workouts weren’t challenging enough.
Even things that are good for you can become harmful if they are create fear, anxiety, stress, or become all-consuming.And, yet a BIG vision is exactly what enabled Martin Luther King to do his great work in the world. And, Mother Theresa. And countless others.
In the end, I see a big vision as a tool to say “YES!” to life in a BIG way. And, that will move you into action and enable you to design your destiny faster than anything else I’ve ever seen because a big vision creates inspired action.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to think about your BIG vision. Does it challenge you and inspire you to stand up and speak out? Why or why not?
All I know is that there is only one of you….and the world needs your talents, gifts, and abilities.
No one can do what you do in the manner in which you do it.
The world needs your brilliance.
And, when you honor who you are and step into the big vision for what you are uniquely called to do, everyone in the world wins – including you.