Last week, I hosted a 3-day “Design Your Destiny” retreat.
This was not a workshop or a seminar or even an event. It was a retreat.A retreat is defined as “the act of moving back or withdrawing”.
And, while there was content, there was also the ability to rest and have fun – to move back or withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Having Fun at the DYD Retreat!
Naomi Carmona-Morshead, Lisa Marie, Amanda Secola, Anna Weber, Pam Johnson, & Susan Kerby. Also in attendance, but not pictured Kathy Hamor & Guylaine Saint Juste
One of the topics that we focused on in day #2 was creating margin in your schedule which is tied into my 7 Pillars of Leadership.
Most people feel over-booked, over-scheduled, and stretched to the max more often than not.
How about you?
You can complain about your calendar or change it.
Now I get that that’s not always an easy task to do – even if you know your life is coming apart at the seams.
With a to-do list a mile long and everyone around you (clients, family and friends included) pulling at you with their own needs and wants, you may feel that it will never get done or you’ll end up disappointing someone.
And, while that may be true, when you’re in the spin, you may not even remember what “normal” feels likee
Here are a few statements to examine to determine whether stress has become your comfort zone.
Yes or No?
Because I’m trying to “fit it all in”, I usually get less than 7 hours of sleep. Yes or No?
With an already full plate, while I’d like to exercise, but there’s simply no time left to fit that in. Yes or No?
I’m running the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning — and yet I still can’t get everything done. Yes or No?
Every day is a work day for me because if I’m not working, I feel guilty and fill my “free time” with activities. Yes or No?
My office and home have stacks of papers and piles of “stuff” that stress me out but I don’t have time to file or put away.
Yes or No?
Because I don’t have clear priorities and often work on what is urgent at the time, I get distracted easily phone calls and emails, and allow them to suck up my time. Yes or No?
My friends and family often come last because I simply don’t have the time in my schedule to give to them.Yes or No?
Because I’m usually trying to get through the day, I don’t create space to do the things I really love. Yes or No?
I rarely say “no” and end up doing things that I really don’t want to do or are not in alignment with my priorities. Yes or No?
If you said “yes” to more than two of these, your comfort zone is turning in to the danger zone.
I know.
Last July, I got a real wake-up call with my health.
While I had lots of energy and looked healthy, my blood work did not paint the same picture.
My choices did not reflect optimal health and performance.
I changed my diet, started going to the gym 6 days a week and added more margin into my schedule.
I’m now 30 pounds lighter (a slimmer, sleeker, sexier version of me) and I have more time to do what I love.
Change now or risk paying later.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to answer the questions above. What do you need to do differently so your comfort zone isn’t your danger zone?
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.
Turning Possibilities into Realities,
Lisa Marie